Meet Tramp!

He wasn't hanging at surface but he had loads of splits in fins.... 4 in rear caudal? Fin, 3 in top dorsal fin, and 2 in underside Pelvic? Fin Sorry I get confused with fin names
He was gasping occasionally but his left gill flap rarely closed
betta fish...not a double tail, was sold to me as a halfmoon
unfortunately Little Tramp passed away this evening. I have no idea what was going wrong with him, and he seemed to "float" and not use gills a lot. I really am gutted, Tramp was such a beautiful boy, I will miss him so much. His dorsal fin split another twice, and there was nothing in the quarentine tank except sand, an airstone, heater and filter. so I guess he could have been a tail biter. The last tear I noticed was blood stained. Poor little thing.think I may give up on bettas, but they are soo prettyy

On a good note, for those who knew, Ghost is doing really well. His tear in his fin has grown back halfway, so looks like he will make a full recovery. thank goodness. I managed to treat him right. was beginning to think it was something i was doing wrong.

This is EXACTLY what happened to my salamander butterfly from bettaboys!!! His tail was a wreck all split and bitten, he just got worse then was floating about one day with swim bladder and died!!! It's not your fault and don't give up. I felt the same but have another beautiful boy now and he's happily swimming about with no problems

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