Meet Patches...I rescued a Betta from those little Petco cups

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Good Morning Patches
Well, it’s another day for Patches in her new home. Here she is first thing in the morning asking “where’s my breakfast?” A minute later I gave her 4 pellets. She’s got me trained!
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Patches has a huge appetite. I fed her around 9 am (ET) this morning and now she's begging for lunch. I am giving here 3 pellets for lunch. I'm sure at dinnertime, she will be at the front of the tank cruising back and forth and saying FEED ME. She's a very young Betta so that accounts for her big appetite.

I know it's not good to overfeed fish. But PATCHES will get 3 moderate feedings per day. The feedings must be working as she is really coloring up nicely compared to her pale look when I rescued her from a Petco cup. I can now see colors of red, white, blue, yellow, purple and orange…every color of the spectrum.
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It's amazing how much Patches, a female Koi Betta, has colored up in just 5 days in her new home. Going from the tiny Petco cup to a 5 gallon tank has made a huge difference in her health and vitality. Compare the two pic below .... first pic is the day I got here, second pic is today..5 days after rescuing her.

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She's a pretty girl! Happy she landed up in a good home and you're loving her so much!

I'm a betta beginner, but a lot of the marble/koi bettas apparently can change colours a lot between 3-6 months of age, so keep taking photos, because as well as colouring up and perking up now in a good home, she'll likely change a bit as she matures too! Found that out from a betta seller/hobbyist at the event yesterday, was pointing out which fish would change colours as they mature, and then some fish that they'd likely end up looking like - which was more like a koi betta 😍

Your before/after photos remind me of those fish I saw yesterday! I almost got one, thought it would be fun to watch the colours develop over time. But the blue boy kept drawing me back, and I wasn't going to give in to the people trying to get me to take a female betta too! :lol:

Mine doesn't have a name yet, I want a name for him and the hoplo at least, but rubbish at picking names! Will have to get photos then ask for suggestions. @Sparx seems a good person to ask! Like the suggestions you made! Like @TwoTankAmin , I worry about naming them meaning I'll lose them, and don't name all my fish, but some, like a single betta, you just have to!

Especially since you and Patches are developing a happy relationship where she has you well-trained ;):lol:
It is a really heartwarming thing! Wishing you have many happy years together!
How is she doing now? If you don't mind me commenting on an old thread 🥹
Unfortunately she didn't last 3 months. I have not had luck keeping Bettas. That was my third one. Those two never lived over a year. :(
Try a betta raised and kept in a tank prior to sale like they offer at Aqua Huna. Cups are coffins for the swimming dead. 💀
Unfortunately she didn't last 3 months. I have not had luck keeping Bettas. That was my third one. Those two never lived over a year. :(
Oh noooooo! I'm so sorry :(
But I can assure you, she's in a better place right now.. watching over you 🥺

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