medusa plecos


crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
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fort worth texas
since it isnt in the index... how big do medusa plecos get?? what size tank is required?? how long to they live??
I have a few spotted Medusa's (L255's) and they are really great looking fish ! I've only had them for about a month now, so don't yet know a great deal about them. But make sure you have a good strong current flow in the tank. They are now in their own tank (with sand substrate) and they spend an awful lot of time hiding though :/ so I may get some more. But with an average price tag of about £40 it might have to wait a while :lol:

Sorry, not the best pic, but you've gotta love that mouth !

pardon the flash - will get better pics !
those spotty ones arn't medusa's the medusa is L034 and are plain in colour :)

They are nice brisltes though :)

[EDIT - Corrected the L number - sorry]
yea cause the ones in the photos of BLOOZOO's plecos are medusas! cause those are the ones im getting!
I would suggest you perhaps invest in a moonlight system :) they are very shy creatures and you'll be paying an awful lot of money to see a lot of nothing :lol:
Also be aware that they prefer a strong current, caves and live food.
They really are lovely though !
bloozoo2 said:
smithrc said:
those spotty ones arn't medusa's the medusa is L038 and are plain in colour :)

They are nice brisltes though :)
I'm afraid that is incorrect according to Planet Catfish.

L034 - Medusa Plec

L255 - Spotted Medusa Plec
Boozoo's spot on.

L034 & L255 are two colour variants of the same species ancistrus ranunculus from two areas of the same river.

Fab fish. we have just one female of the plain variant and have been on the lookout for a husband for her for quite some time.
£12.75 at Trimar - a lovely hubby is bound to be waiting there ! ;)
cool - I didnt realise there was a spotted medusa :)

you can see the relation ship with the shape too :)

(I got the L number wrong too :/ - sorry)
bloozoo2 said:
£12.75 at Trimar - a lovely hubby is bound to be waiting there ! ;)
I've been considering Trimar for some time as they often have them in stock, but I prefer to see what I'm buying so I've been trying to find one locally.
Also of course, Trimar will not accept gender requests for plecs so I might end up with another female.

I may have to resort to Trimar eventually though.

A store near me currently has a male spotted medusa, but I'm buggered if I'm paying £60 for it.
:eek: £60 - that is simply outrageous !
With the Spotted Medusa's, the smaller ones (approx 1.5") at Trimar are £33 at the mo, and the larger ones (2") are £40. Though they've already had them in for about 10 days again so I would have thought they'd all be gone by now.
The L34's do not sell quite as quickly as the spotted ones.

Well I can say that I'm very happy with the fish I received from Trimar and found their service very good.

Have you tried putting in a gender request though ? I did when I ordered mine and they weren't fussed to gender sex them for me.....

I wanted to get mine locally too, but the shops i asked said they simply could not get them in.....
the medusa plecos in my LFS only cost about 13 american dollars (dont know what that is in UK money)

isnt pounds european current?
13US $ is approx £4

Nope, The Pound £ is not the Euro € (thank goodness :p ).

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