Me wee 10 Gallon... First proper attempt


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2013
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This is a tank I inherited with probably pretty damned bad stocking. It was a mess. Fish now temporarily housed in a plastic tote certified safe by my LSF, though I dunno if their assurance worth much in this part of the world. 🤣
The tank scrubbed up, a blank canvas... But at the moment I'm clueless..... Scrambling around for inspiration.. Primary focus is shrimp and establishing a coloni... Beyond that I really dunno what could go in... Suggestions welcome.. Would chilli rasboras and pygmy cories be to much in addition to the shrimp...?


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Stocking really the last of my concerns at the moment though... I'm stuck on everything from substrate to hard scape to plant selection. I do know I wanna plant heavy yet try keep it low maintenance... 🤔
Can you tell us if the tank will have a filter and heater? Also what is the GH (general hardness) of your source water?

I'm curious, what's in the tote?
You want to know what fish species are intended, as this can affect decisions on filtration, substrate, etc. Soft inert sand is overall the best substrate particularly in this small a tank. All plants will grow as well in sand as any other substrate, even better. And no fish suited to this sized tank will have issues with sand, and cories need sand. Nor will shrimp. And being small grained, it makes the space look more "spacious."

Pygmy cories and Boraras rasboras (like chili) are not likely to do much if anything to shrimp.
Can you tell us if the tank will have a filter and heater? Also what is the GH (general hardness) of your source water?

I'm curious, what's in the tote?
The entire contents of the tank I'm about to
re-scape are in the tote. It was in a dreadful mess... 2 mollies, 3 endlers, a couple of bottom dwellers I'm yet to identify and another that hangs out at the surface.... Again not sure what it is... I'm going to ask my LFS if they will take those three back.... I know it's where previous owner purchased them so they should...
Post photos of the unidentified fish, someone here will know what they are.

I posted this but not sure if conclusive. Maybe one wrestling half beak.. The bottom dwellers still not confirmed..
I think Magnum man correctly identified the two bottom dwellers as algae eaters, probably juvenile Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (Chinese algae eaters). Do a bit of research on Google to be sure, as you can compare in real life.
So in the end it ain't much of a build journal... I really didn't want them sitting in the tote so chucked it together a bit hurriedly... I'm pleased enough for a first crack considering money was tight and I mainly recycled what I had.. Here's a few pics....
In an ideal world plant selection would be very different... My money sadly ran out after 3 pots of hair grass... Over time I'll replace some with better ones and add more... Most of these plants are 15 bht each... Things like anubias 180 bht for a tiny piece, good plants more than most fish here.. 🤔
I love it 😍 my 10 gallon tank I used a lot of money on and it looks terrible. I can’t seem to get rid of the brown stuff on the glass that grows everywhere I can’t remember what it’s called.
I think Magnum man correctly identified the two bottom dwellers as algae eaters, probably juvenile Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (Chinese algae eaters). Do a bit of research on Google to be sure, as you can compare in real life.

They’re definitely not CAE, or Garra.

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