Martha's first movie


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
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East coast of England.
Click the photo... see the movie.

Look out for the bit near the end where her belly is so fat that she can no longer fit into her galleon. She flares her tail in surprise and backs out!

Silly fishie!
hahaha he was to fat to fit into that thing!
man i love puffers all of a sudden!!! :p
I dont know if i can get the in aus, i would surely love a couple
:lol: Thats funny the way she just bounces out then looks all embarassed!!!!
That's awesome, thanks for sharing.

I rave about Martha every time I see her.

Please don't post anymore pics of her though, I can't handle the jealousy :whistle:
that was just too funny!!! :lol: i swear she kept looking at you while she was eating as if to say "hey buddy, i'm eatin' here!"
She eats like a pig.
Two prawns a day, plus jumbo bloodworm, a mussel or two, a couple of waxworms and the occasional cockle.

We measured her yesterday and now she's nearly double the size she was when we bought her six weeks ago.

Her tankmates are still at the LFS and they don't seem to have grown at all and look very miserable indeed. (Seapets in Colchester if someone want to rescue one)
Gorgeous. :wub: How big will she get and how big of a tank size will she need?
omg im in love, did you see how tht thing was looking around to see what else is going on? man i though cichlids were smart now i belive how smart these guys are!

I must own one i must have one! Anyway one in australia know where these guys are i must have one.
That was great, bouncy litle lady!!

I saw a MBU puffer in one of my LF the other day, looked awesome, lovely colours aswel...but the price tag was pure evil!!! £75.

I'm hoping to got to sea pets soon, bit of an ass that it's out of town.
Us Fahaka owners realise that they are the marine equivalent of a rotweiler with a postman!!
Gomez is exactly yhr same but gets very embarrased when he can`t fit back through the gap he got out of. I think Martha will have spurts of growth if she`s anything like Gomez.
It is difficult not to over feed them though!
She was eating down on that piece of food! I decided to look at the beginning and compare her to what she was in the end of the video and WOW there's a major difference! Very cute vid!
GP said:
Gorgeous. :wub: How big will she get and how big of a tank size will she need?
Fahakas can grow up to 15 inches in the home aquarium. Recommended minimum tank capacity is 125 US gallons at full size.

Martha is in a 60 gallon at the moment, we hope to have her in an even larger home within 6 months. However this will be brought forward if she continues her growth spurt. :D

It's important with this type of fish to give them a very deep tank as well as long.

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