Marks 24g Journal

Having chatted to the aquatic invert specialist at my work, we reckon its of the family Coenagriidae, a blue or red damselfly.


EDIT - Have just been told, those things can be nasty, certainly they can take stickleback, which is easily the same as a smallish neon! Remove it!
Oh dear oh dear. Thanks for the heads up people, I removed it just after I had taken that picture but where there's one there might be many. My Pseadomugils were actually a bit smaller than it so Im really really hoping this isnt going to turn into a major headache. Wish I knew where it had come from but Ive recieved plants from four different places.

Anyway, heres an updated picture. Just the same as before but a little less brown. Ive tried my best to get a picture of the fish but its a blurfest. Just need to buy a new diffuser (dropped the last one). Im really hoping the improved CO2 will help the Rotala Macrandra at the back and encourage the Hairgrass and HC to improve.

I quite like the tank, I like those rocks... :)

Thanks wei0204! Its still a little sparse just now and the Rotala Macrandra hasn't been doing too well but things should come together soon. Im going to replace the Rotala with another red plant, ludwigia arcuata as well as plant some Hydrocotyle Verticillata through the foreground and up the back right side. Will update with pictures when things look a bit better.
I quite like the tank, I like those rocks... :)

Thanks wei0204! Its still a little sparse just now and the Rotala Macrandra hasn't been doing too well but things should come together soon. Im going to replace the Rotala with another red plant, ludwigia arcuata as well as plant some Hydrocotyle Verticillata through the foreground and up the back right side. Will update with pictures when things look a bit better.

The Rotala Macrandra not doing well might caused by it is slightly shaded. It is positioned at the back of the tank and surounded by many plants so it might not get enough lighting guess... :)
R. macrandra sheds the bottom leaves if it is too crowded. The growth of yours suggests this to me. I would clip it and replant the leafed stems more in the foreground where its lightsource won't be impeded. Bear in mind as well, that R. macrandra is also a fragile plant and doesn't take well to being moved around. The growth will also be leggy if the light source is not strong. What is your WPG again? It also requres soft, acidic water to thrive. It is not a background plant, but more of a foreground/midground. It doesn't grow as fast as its cousin R. rotundifolia. It is a beautiful plant, though and I wish you success with it.

Thanks for the input wei0204 and lljdma06. Ive got 3WPG exactly and I was thinking lighting has been a problem for the R. Macrandra, the leaves at the top of the plants are in perfect condition and pearling so I'll have a re-think about things and do some changes once I get the next delivery of plants.

Although I was trying to keep it a species tank Im really needing some shrimp in there to clean up the detritus that appears on the substrate but Im hoping to try spawing the Gertrudes Blue Eyes. Anyone know if the shrimp will interfere with eggs that will hopefully be laid?

I am surprised the Rotala is struggling. It doesn`t look to densely planted to me.

Have you sorted out the foreground yet? I dare say this tank will be worthy of the PFK competition when it matures.


P.S. What is happening with your filter inlet? It looks upside down.
Hi Dave, Ive re-planted fresh hairgrass and Id say its 'surviving' but like before it is turning into an algae magnet. The HC is slowly getting there, again attracting some algae but it looks vibrant and are definately spreading. As I said Im thinking of introducing some shrimp to try deal with the algae and detritus issues.

My fert regime might have been a problem too. Ive had a few big PH swings while I got CO2 under control (76ppm one afternoon). I had also been testing the water every second day for Phosphates and Nitrates to see if I really needed to add them. Phosphate always sat at 2ppm but I wouldnt dose unless Nitrate was less than 5ppm which I think has been a mistake. Ive been reading on quite a few sites that low Nitrates can be an algae trigger. I dont understand why, but I'll take heed and be a bit more disciplined with my ferts.

Im glad you can see the potential in my tank Dave, Im pretty hopeful for it too. Really appreciate the input!

Things are coming together so thought Id take some photos this morning and post an update.

The foreground was a constant algae battle so Ive removed the HC and Eleocharis Acicularis. I plan on re-planting the foreground with these same plants but Im going to wait till I have a larger plant mass and things are a bit more stable.
About 2 weeks ago I planted some faster growing stem plants, Limnophila sessiliflora, Rotala Rotundifoilia, Hygrophila Polysperma and Ludwigia arcuata. All of these have shown good growth. Ive also planted Hydrocotyl Verticillata which has been doing really well although I wasnt expecting so much height but things are looking ok so far.

Ive also introduced 10 amano shrimp and 4 really nice Wild caught Epiplatys Annulatus

Full Tank


New Epiplatys Annulatus at the top left(ish).

Pseudomugil Gertrudae. Best photo I could get.

So, things are picking up. The background is still quite leggy but Ive made no attempt at pruning or aquascaping yet. I plan on starting that at the next water change so hopefully things will fill out and I'll hopefully my next attempt at the foreground will be a success.

Any comments and criticisms welcome!
You were right to abandon your initial plant selection for now. Your tank was way too young and unstable to grow your initial plant choices successfully and you got some pretty bad algae, especially in the beginning.

The tank looks much better now. The pennywort will get huge, so keep an eye on it, it tends to grow towards the surface and block light from the other plants.

Your fish choice is lovely and I can't wait to see this tank with it's final layout, though I think it's pretty with all the weeds.

llj :good:
Tanks looking very good Mate, as people have said the pennywort looks in great health, recently added some of that to my tank.

You beat me to it on the photo of the Gertrude's! ;) good photo though, they are speedy!

What did you do with the lavae weird creature thing?! I have two in my small tank and I'm worried about taking them out, give me the creeps!! I want to empty the tank anyway but just wondered!
Thanks for the encouraging words folks. Much appreciated!

The pennywort will get huge, so keep an eye on it, it tends to grow towards the surface and block light from the other plants.

I actually first noticed this plant in some of Amano's smaller aquascapes so figured it would be more than suitable. Just need to make sure it doesnt get out of control, its grown considerably in a fortnight.

Nice! The pennywort is an excellent addition to the tank IMO... The Gertrude Rainbows look brilliant, also...

Thanks corin!

You beat me to it on the photo of the Gertrude's! ;) good photo though, they are speedy!


Thanks sam, thats the best photo out of about 34892. I wish I could get a really good one, the displaying males are stunning!

What did you do with the lavae weird creature thing?! I have two in my small tank and I'm worried about taking them out, give me the creeps!! I want to empty the tank anyway but just wondered!

I just netted it out and flushed it down the toilet. It was actually bigger than my rainbows which was worrying. I put two yo yo loaches in from my big tank to deal with any new critters that might hatch, not had a problem since. Best to get it them out as soon as you can!

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