Marine Topic Of The Week, 05/12-05/19

Your quote says it all for me. Within a matter of minutes. Not within a matter of minutes the speciment will be unconcious and then be fine for a period of several weeks, acting like everything is all hunky dory, then suddenly dying. It says fatal results can come in minutes, not weaks later after a single exposure.

Sorry I don't buy it. IMO it is far more likely for there to be diseases at the wholesalers where hundreds of fish are brought in daily, many stressed and contaminated with diseases, then left to die and rot in tanks full of other fish.

The symptoms presented in the original clip are also consist with symptoms presented in bacterial and parasitic infections, that could be sustained at the importers or wholesalers.

I don't have any scientific data or studies to show my point just personal experience and the experience of friends of mine who have personally used cyanide to sedate there own fish, bring it home, and have it live for over 15 years now in his display. He is an importer of fish, and kind enough to talk my ear off everytime I see him or go to his lab.

I do see how continued exposure to cyanide could damage internal organs, look at mint after smoking cigarettes, but I do not see in my small mind how a single dose would present problems months later. JMO
Your quote says it all for me. Within a matter of minutes. Not within a matter of minutes the speciment will be unconcious and then be fine for a period of several weeks, acting like everything is all hunky dory, then suddenly dying. It says fatal results can come in minutes, not weaks later after a single exposure.

I thought that qoute was for "Acute poisoning" to humans. Especially as they mension "skin". So if thats the case, the qoute goes to say nothing for the use of cyanide on fish.
Cyanide hasnt been made illegal on a whim, if it was a safe way of cating fish then Im sure it would be prmoted and more dealers would be happy to advertise that their fish are caught by this so called harmles smethod. However its been made illegal and im sure that many hundreds if not thousands of case studies and very well educated marine biologists have delved deeply into this and advised the authorities on what action to take.

My first Achilles tang was caught with Cyanide (i later discovered) and it died a slow and horrible death before my eyes. My 2nd Achilles tang lived much longer and only died when i introduced a fish that had disease (unknown to me at the time). This 2nd tang was collected from a far more trusted source and even though these fish are notoriously difficult to keep, the very fact it was collected safely gave it a far heathier start to its captive life.

I would never knowingly purchase cyanide fish from anyone.

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