Marine Topic Of The Week, 04/20-04/27/07

Are there any PEACEFUL crabs then? Which has the least disadvantages for a friendly reef tank?

Porcelain and boxer(Pom Pom) crabs are peacfull.

I have a porcelain crab - interesting little beast which eats algae with his big claws and is a filter feeder too.

Has adapted inner claws with very fine filaments between the 'fingers' (bit like the fronds on a feather duster/spiral worm) which he holds over his head to collect passing stuff. Mostly nocturnal and comes out as soon as the halides go off (actinics still on) and climbs to a high point in a strong flow position if he's filter feeding, or potters about if he's after algae.

Picture below from here

Porcelain crab

  1. Arrow crabs: don't go there. Quite adept at cornering fish and eating them. Too aggressive for a nano tank

  1. damn, i assume this is what our lfs has had labelled up as arrowhead crab. i can't imagine it eating anything it's body was only tiny even though it had great long legs. shame as we really wanted one :sad:
  1. Arrow crabs: don't go there. Quite adept at cornering fish and eating them. Too aggressive for a nano tank

  1. I could argue with this. Crabs are opportunistic predators that will eat only when hungry; arrow crabs are no exception. Obviously, tiny gobies should not be placed with one, but as long as the animal is well fed it has little need to use it's hunting ability (which is not terribly adept anyways).

    The main reason not to place them in a nano tank is their size. Huge specimens can reach 10'' across. Obviously at this size they will become more of a threat to small fish especially ones small enough for a nanotank.

Any good blue-ish colour crabs out there that would suit?
Any good blue-ish colour crabs out there that would suit?

Are you looking for a hermit crab or a true crab?

Bluish hermits include Blue-legged hermits which are covered above. I've got six in my 36g. Another hermit not covered is the Electric blue hermit (Calcinus elegans). I've currently two in my 8g pico. They are nice and peaceful but I've observed them knocking things down and basically being clumsy. Here's a video of one of mine. They get quite a bit larger than the blue-legged hermits.

Any good blue-ish colour crabs out there that would suit?

Are you looking for a hermit crab or a true crab?

Bluish hermits include Blue-legged hermits which are covered above. I've got six in my 36g. Another hermit not covered is the Electric blue hermit (Calcinus elegans). I've currently two in my 8g pico. They are nice and peaceful but I've observed them knocking things down and basically being clumsy. Here's a video of one of mine. They get quite a bit larger than the blue-legged hermits.

Short video but he looks deadly so, a hermit or blue crab looks promising. I will have a heated tank but not saltwater what ones would be suitable for it. Brilliant I really wanted a blue lobster but i would die if they just chopped a fish in half, most of whats written says crabs and hermit crabs are ok with fish. Its a blue betta im putting them in with? any recommendations for a lovely and nice crab or hermit that is blue and very nice? The ones above look cool especiall y the one in the video would they be suitable for the heated tank, itll be a small nano one but only one fish in it the betta and 1 or two tiny ones? Snails will be present too..

Yay blue crustaceans!!!! SCORE!!!!
if you have no salt in the tank, you have a freshwater NONE of the crabs mentioned in this topic are suitable.

generally speaking no crab or lobster or crayfish should be kept with fish in the freshwater aquarium. There simply aren't any that are compatible with fish, expect maybe the thai micro crab.
if you have no salt in the tank, you have a freshwater NONE of the crabs mentioned in this topic are suitable.

generally speaking no crab or lobster or crayfish should be kept with fish in the freshwater aquarium. There simply aren't any that are compatible with fish, expect maybe the thai micro crab.

:( dam, im also in the wrong thread.. sorry people, still trying to fins my way. around this site, thanks for your time.
:lol: no problem... You got to see some neat video.

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