Marine Tank size

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Great Lakes

Always do right, not popular...
May 11, 2002
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Southern Michigan
Just a quick note here.

I have seen several discussions on tank sizes for a beggining Marine system.

A small, (Nano), tank is NOT for beginners. Most reef hobbyists would agree that a Nano is for the experts only. This is not an option for beginners!

Trust me on this.

I would put forth that the very two best choices for a first marine tank would be either a 75gal, or the long 100gal. Both provide more than adequate surface area for gas exchange, are not so deep to cause major lighting obstacles, and they both have a large enough footprint to give one room for under cabinet sump options..

OZ has spoken...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I agree compleatly. Also the tanks are of a size that filtration, live rock, and water movement can done properly without totaly destroying your bank acount. ;)
I have a 60 gallon aquarium. I was recommended to this. Is this too small of a size tank for a beginner? Just a thought. . .
reefboy2002 said:
also bigger the tank easier to keep
Not nessesarily - If a small tank has only one tiny fish, it still won't be that hard to take care of. Tru, a large tank with the tiny fish would be easier to take care of, but one tiny fish in the small tank is still quite easy to maintain.
well i mean in a different manner of speech m8


it will be easyer to keep temperature more stable
as a 10 gallon tank can get to room temperatur in less than a hour
i 100 gallon tank wont

in other words the tank wont fluctate as quick

cheers ritchie
Stability and lighting options are the key considerations. If money is an obstacle, a reef tank is a poor choice for a hobby.
HI, I am new to this forum and i seen the tank size title and i have a question, I am looking to by a bigger tank and i saw where someone has a tank for sale and they live about 2 hours away, anyway they moved in to a new place and the people before them left a fish tank with fish in it and they want to sell it and i am interested but they don't know how many gallons the tank is and the lady said that the tank is 54"x18"x54" can any body tell me how many gallons this tank is? :dunno: I don't even know if the size sound right. I looked in different thing for fish tank sizes and couldn't find anything that matches the sizs they gave me.
Can someone help!!!!!!

Thank you
I beleive thats around 222 gallons. if the lady's giving it to you for cheep, go up and buy it now! tanks like that are hard to come buy. That would make an awsome reef or fish-only setup. since the tank is 18" deep, you wouldn't need to spend a fortune on lighting.
is it acryllic or glass?
i have a tank thats 30"X12"X13" How many gallons is this? Also is it suitable for a begginer to make a SW aquarium out of it? its made of glass
One of the biggest problems with nano tanks is temps getting much to high during the day time. If you decide to try this despite the warnings, make sure that you get a chiller. Remember, when your water temp gets too high, it induces a fever like state to any thing in the tank. Day after day of this and everything dies.
54"x18"x54" - that's a bizarre size/shape isn't it? Not sure which way round people usually quote the dimensions, but either way around, these dims sound odd to me?

But of course, I could be (and usually am!) wrong...
Landlocked said:
I have a 60 gallon aquarium. I was recommended to this. Is this too small of a size tank for a beginner? Just a thought. . .
I was also told that a 60 gallon tank would be a good tank to start with. I have had mine for a few months and it is going great. How long have you had yours for?
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