Okay I must be missing something as all I can see on the drag down list is Aragite, which if you scroll down the website is this
"Aragite is a calcium-rich material which is mixed with water and sets into a highly-porous rock; weight for weight, its bio-filter action is at least twice that of natural live rock. Aragite passes through several distinct stages during setting; initially, it can be moulded or poured, but its consistency changes within a few minutes, and it can then be 'dolloped', sliced or shaped - rather like cheesecake; chunks can be drawn out, or torn off and re-attached; with the use of a table knife, more-exotic shapes can be made by folding the material over on itself to form caves, niches and shelves, etc*. A reef or rockscape can be built up with a greater filtering capacity, and no wastage or possibility of introducing infections, etc; being less dense, rock features can be built up using a lesser mass of material. Aragite naturally acquires a rocky appearance on drying and enough rock for a 55-gallon tank (in an assortment of shapes and sizes) takes just 2 - 3 hours to cast. It usually takes a few weeks for coralline to become fully established. Curing period: 3 days."
This Im afraid is not Live Rock it is lumps of man made material sculpted into rock shapes?
If this is what you are looking at getting you will need some Live Rock to seed it as the Aragite will be absolutely clean and new and free of any of the good stuff you need in the rock to filter your water. This process will take several months in the tank or you can use a suitable container and heat it, circulate the water and run a skimmer on it and let it cure before it goes in your tank.
The reason most people buy cured Live Rock is they can't be bothered to wait to cure rock themselves.
I have just seen they supply coraline seeding pack!! Whatever that might be, its not the coraline that's the aim of Live Rock (although we all want it on our rocks) the main issue is all the little beasties that live in it snails, brittle stars. feather worms and many many more, all of who take left over food and general muck out of the water system for you. You definitely will need to seed this by putting it in with other Live Rock and I wouldn't even consider what they seem to suggest on the website of stocking the tank immediately or as they put it "do not overpopulate for 2-3 weeks"