Marine Section


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
I understand that IP board has the ability to add a chat box at the top of forums, any chance we could have one in Reef Chit Chat William/Tolak?

Seffie x
I feel as though it would clutter the board, besides we have a chat facility already:

And isn't the forum a chat facility in some respect anyway?
The problem with the current chat system is you have to look for it and move onto a separate window/tab :sad: with an in forum chat box people can still browse the forum whilst using the chat box. It wont be to everyone's taste but will encourage newer members or browsers to interact more on the forum who otherwise might not make topics etc.. also might allow more experienced users to guide new members where to go in the forum etc..

Its been a good few years since i worked with the IP boards, but i'm sure you could have the chat box solely in the marine chit chat section of the forum if other users in other sections of the forum decide they don't want one?
You make it sound as though the new members have a confidence problem, a forum is a place for advice and if they want advice then they'd start a thread asking for it, a thread is essentially chat anyway, and any specific discussions between two people may get lost in other conversations.
In my experience i have been on many forums which have a large amount of people not confident enough to post etc .. just take a look at the bottom of the forum every now and again and you will see just how many people don't sign up and get involved.

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If people want advice they'll create a thread, creating a thread is no different to posting in a chat box, both are for all to see.
You make it sound as though the new members have a confidence problem, a forum is a place for advice and if they want advice then they'd start a thread asking for it, a thread is essentially chat anyway, and any specific discussions between two people may get lost in other conversations.

I would agree with Chris, I think some members do lack the confidence to start a thread.

I have to disagree with your sentiment ' a forum is a place for advice', imo a forum meets many needs, advice being only one of them.

I would agree that a conversation can be lost umoungst other's chat.........but it is something we in the Marine section and those that use reef chit chat a lot would like considered - the 'Chat' room needs people to be there at the time, a 'Shout box' or 'Chat box' does not.

I suppose we could start a Chat Thread and ask for it to be pinned, but why not a box that stays at the top of the reef chit chat forum? I suspect for the parts of the forum with a lot more people, it may not be practical, but the Marine section is not highly populated........

I will start a poll for the Reef Chit Chat users, that way Tolak and the other Mods can get an idea of what the Marine members are thinking :good:
Well if it's general chat then wouldn't the general chat section be more suited? Or even the IRC chat room top right?
I find no one is ever in the chat room so if we wanted to have a chat we would need to all have it in another window which is annoying to flick between as you can't really concentrate on other bits.
I am on another forum where there is a chat box at the top and it is great. There are sometimes small questions to ask that don't warrant a thread clogging the board.

Also you get posts all the time from members saying they have been hanging around for a while before making their first post! There is some bad stigma about forums where some of them (not naming names) you will ask a Q and get jumped at for suggesting something slightly wrong. People need confidence in asking a question and a relaxed chat would help that!

Also the chat at the top never seems to work for me when I tried!

There should also be an option to not show the chat to people who don't want it there if possible!
Well you can have private conversations via the PM system or the current IRC chat we have, also it would be impossible to moderate, whereas the IRC board has moderators other than the operators in the room that can nip in and clean stuff up, where as with the chat box a moderator would need to be on all the time to prevent spam, the only stupid question is the one never asked in my mind, and if everyone carries this ethic then people should have no issues with posting.
I find no one is ever in the chat room so if we wanted to have a chat we would need to all have it in another window which is annoying to flick between as you can't really concentrate on other bits.

(16:17:23)  -› Join: weezawoo ([email protected])
(16:18:13)  -› Quit: weezawoo ([email protected])

Helps a lot if you stay more than 1 minute, heh.

And there is always someone in the chatroom, literally always. But sometimes, say in the middle of the night, you need to wait for someone to reply.

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