Marine Lighting


Fish Crazy
May 26, 2009
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I currently have a Boyu 130 litre tank and although very new to marine fish keeping I am really enjoying the experience.

I am thinking in the future once I have more experience to move to a larger set up.

I like the look of the Juwel Rio 300 and 400 aquariums.

Would the existing lighting of " High-Lite light unit including tubes 120cm, 2 x 54 watt
be suitable for a marine reef set up?

If not what would I need to get and how much roughly would it cost.

I would appreciate any advice.

Again depends on what you intend to keep..
Always fancied the 400 myself..lovely tank
I would consider two more tubes , one white one blue..even better replace with a canopy..several really good ones out there, even halide canopy with tubes if thinking of adding sps
The existing lighting should be sufficient for some hardy soft corals like mushrooms and Zoa. Certainly adding another light bar as Buddyboy suggests is a good way of increases the potential for the tank. If I had the Rio 400 then I would certainly look to removing all the standard lid with lighting bar and get a 2x halide-T5 pendant. It would maximise the potential of the tank to allow you to keep pretty much anything you wish. Also another increasing feature of the Jewel tanks is they are built with float glass which means you can potentially drill them for a sump/refugium. I have thought about this a lot, just never got the money :lol:. Hopefully now I have qualified I will be able to take my involvement in the hobby to a whole new level.....


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