Marine Land Bio-wheel Pro 60?


Sep 23, 2006
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I have liked the idea of teh biowheel for awhile now and have been trying to figure out how I can hook one up to my canister fitler.

I then came across a Bio Wheel Pro 30 and 60 at the Marine Land website. I can't seem to find any of these for sale anywhere! Where they were for sale, they are either discontinued or out of stock.

Are these old news ? If so that sucks cause I think its a great idea having one of these Tee'd off of the output hose on my canister filter.
I have been looking on the internet. The only place I have found ONE is on ebay and thats the Pro 30 not the 60.
Yeah I think they discontinued it probably because most people bought their fully integrated Penguin/Emperor filters. They also have the biowheel + canister Magnum system which is still very popular, but since you already have a canister you just want the biowheel.
You can buy just a bio-wheel and rig it up where your canister is going into your tank and get the same effect.
I was thinking of building an acrylic hang on box that I would be able to put a bio wheel in and have a portion on the filters flow go to the bio wheel.

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