Marine Biology

Money is all well and good but you will get to a point in your life when doing a job just because it pays well just isnt enough. Life is short and you spend a majority of it at work so it is a good idea to do something you are going to enjoy. Personally I have spent the last 9 years of my life doing jobs that I dont really enjoy just because they pay well. Right now though I would be very happy to chuck it all in and go and work in a LFS even though it would only pay about 1/3 of my current salary.

So my advice in short is to really think about what you ENJOY doing and go for that.
Money is all well and good but you will get to a point in your life when doing a job just because it pays well just isnt enough. Life is short and you spend a majority of it at work so it is a good idea to do something you are going to enjoy. Personally I have spent the last 9 years of my life doing jobs that I dont really enjoy just because they pay well. Right now though I would be very happy to chuck it all in and go and work in a LFS even though it would only pay about 1/3 of my current salary.

The university I'm looking at is the university of Victoria, and apparently I need physics 11, Bio 11 and 12, chem 11 and math (principles) 11 and 12. These I can easily handle. I'm not quite sure I understand why I need all these, but what-ever...

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