Marine Biology


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
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Since i am just starting highschool this year (im a dirty freshman) i have a whole lot of open doors. I have chosen two, one is achitect, i have always loved designing things, ive always liked legos since i was like 3 years old. Another choice is a marine biologist. Heres my dillema:

I like designing more than i like biology. The problem is i hate physics and math (although im not bad at math i still hate it).

I like marine biology but i hate the ocean

I am what you call a money lover, i like money, and i want money lol, so pay is also an important factor

Uhh i am in honors biology this year as well as honors geometry, (honors history and english as well) and i am taking introductory to engineering and design class this year.

I know a college councilor would be a better person to ask but i would just like to hear your opinions.
Wow... those are the exact same classes I'm taking. Except the engineering thing. I have graphic design and computers and programming. I'm a freshman too. :D
If you hate biology, the ocean, and chemistry, marine biology is NOT for you ;)

My reccomendation: Figure out what you really want to DO first, not what you DONT want to do. Defining your life in the negative of what you don't want to do is a bad idea ;). You'll be MUCH happier chasing a dream than you will running from a reality that scares you.
Have you thought about hybrid fields combining engineering with biology? Being on that track myself (bioinformatics specifically), it gets into pretty rewarding research possibilities if you want to dabble in both fields simultaniously without jumping into the ocean to swim with dolphins. In engineering you can sometimes get around chemistry, but not if you ever want to be able to get back to biology at a later date. Basically for any field that involves biology/engineering or combinations of those, to keep doors open you really need the usual physics/chem/math background at least at the introductory undergraduate level.
Damn FRESHMAN, i will lock you in your locker, lol. from what you have said marine biology is not for you. Me myself am looking to become a marine biologist.
If you hate biology, the ocean, and chemistry, marine biology is NOT for you ;)

My reccomendation: Figure out what you really want to DO first, not what you DONT want to do. Defining your life in the negative of what you don't want to do is a bad idea ;). You'll be MUCH happier chasing a dream than you will running from a reality that scares you.

no i really really really like biology. i jsut dont like the other sciences.
I also am thinking about doing marine biology and have to choose this year what i am doing (second year of college).
I am also torn between engineering (avionics, electronics and that sort of stuff) and marine biology or zoology but i don't see what jobs there are out there for a marine biologist and i don't think they are brilliantly paid and does anyone know what is actualy involved in marine biology and what jobs there are?
maybe it will be best to keep Hobby and interest separate from job and career as it may spoil your hobby also if you get a well paid job just think of how big an aquarium you could get!!! (mony makes the world go round lol).
but don't get stuck in a job or field that you don't like.
Well there's 2 main arms of marine biology. Commercial and government survey, and research/discovery. The field is all about networking really. If your school offers a very well-connected marine biology program then you're in good shape there, otherwise I might veer away from that as a career path, and/or transfer to a school with a good program if you really want to follow that path. You're right though, marine biologists really don't make that much money
Unfortunately most higher education biology courses contain a significant amount of chemistry material, espeically with marine biology, regarding water chemistry etc, at least over here they do anyways
as it may spoil your hobby also if you get a well paid job just think of how big an aquarium you could get!!!
If I were a marine biologist the oceans would be my aquarium. ;) Sort of.
im a marine biology major at cal state long beach, and yea if u only like biology dude, then this major is not for you. its more than just sharks, plankton, and algae. for example, undergrad classes include some of the following: physics A/B, caluculus A/B, 3 semester of chemistry (including organic chemistry), biostatistics, biology A/B, just to name a few. anf these are undergrad classes.

i cant stand chem u know, but marine biology is too much of my life and im only thinkin bout the fishes when i take every freakin chem test! lol

also, if u like money, then dude, marine bio is the completly wrong field as well.

if you like design, why dont you think of being like a designer for aquariums or videos?

and remember that famous quote: "do what you love, love what you do!"

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