Since i am just starting highschool this year (im a dirty freshman) i have a whole lot of open doors. I have chosen two, one is achitect, i have always loved designing things, ive always liked legos since i was like 3 years old. Another choice is a marine biologist. Heres my dillema:
I like designing more than i like biology. The problem is i hate physics and math (although im not bad at math i still hate it).
I like marine biology but i hate the ocean
I am what you call a money lover, i like money, and i want money lol, so pay is also an important factor
Uhh i am in honors biology this year as well as honors geometry, (honors history and english as well) and i am taking introductory to engineering and design class this year.
I know a college councilor would be a better person to ask but i would just like to hear your opinions.
I like designing more than i like biology. The problem is i hate physics and math (although im not bad at math i still hate it).
I like marine biology but i hate the ocean
I am what you call a money lover, i like money, and i want money lol, so pay is also an important factor
Uhh i am in honors biology this year as well as honors geometry, (honors history and english as well) and i am taking introductory to engineering and design class this year.
I know a college councilor would be a better person to ask but i would just like to hear your opinions.