Marine Aquarium Keeping Circa 1856


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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South Lanarkshire, Scotland
Quite interesting reading...

"The purity of the water is of great importance. In London, sea-water may be easily obtained, by giving a trifling fee to the master or steward of any of the steamers that ply beyond the mouth of the Thames, charging him to dip it in the clear open sea, beyond the reaches of rivers."

Puts water changes today into persective...
I dont know if its because its friday afternoon and I cant be arsed to work or that I'm just a very, very sad person but this is a really interesting read. I find it really fascinating to read about how people started building the foundations which out hobby is based on. Only read the first couple of pages so far but it already has some ideas that are still applicable today ie plants/macro algae being used as biological filtration (although it only mentions them being used to provide O2 to the water the benifit they probably didnt know about was it filtering out ammonia and nitrate).

Only got to the bit where he is discussing how to build tanks (again its easy to forget just how easy we have it).

Great find here and I think i might have to read the whole thing (should kill a couple of hours till I can go home :) ).

Even mentions pearling on plants!
Hummm, maybe the OP would be kind enough to post this link in the Realm of Knowledge? :)

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