
shrks1fan said:
They're awesome!!  :wub:

Did Jim ever come to a conclusion (or did you) as to whether you had some albinos?

No, we came to the conclusion that they're clears with the possibility of turning marble, and so they have. I have one who is still pure white, but I see some red freckles popping up on his forehead :rolleyes:

Thanks you guys, they really are just too cute. It's hard for me to pick a fave,I'm partial to all. The bottom left is one of my faves ,so is the one in the second post. I like their attitude,they're so full of themselves :rolleyes: :wub:

The bottom, center- is that just one little streak of red in the tail?
Yuppers.Isn't he a little superfreak? :lol: Cuties :wub:

Bottom left and top middle I have decided are my favs
Top middle is amazing. He's very,very close to being a HM when he's in full flare.

Funny thing about them, once a long time ago I described my 'dream betta' as being a yellow and red marble plakat and I envisioned him to be pretty much just like these...but with yellow (and red on yellow is such a flaw :lol: I would have that for a dream betta :rolleyes: ) So I'm pleased with the results from that spawn. Now I can strive for more like this with sibling spawns.
Real nice bunch of goodlooking marbles!!

Many greetings from the Netherlands,

*MAM plots how to get to texas and steal the top middle and bottom left without wuv noticing...................

they look awesome!!!!! i'm not a big red fan, but i really like the marble!!!
Just gorgeous, Kelly. (Like they ever aren't... :rolleyes: ) Like many others here, I'm seriously makin' eyes at that boy on the bottom left.... :whistle:
wuvmybetta said:
I have one who is still pure white, but I see some red freckles popping up on his forehead :rolleyes:
that one sounds adorable!! be neat if his coloration stayed as just some freckles on the head :D be such a little cutie
Thanks you guys. MAM he is a cutie,he just isn't in a clear container so I haven't snapped a shot of him yet.

Like many others here, I'm seriously makin' eyes at that boy on the bottom left....
Yes, I know...I know. I need to protect him from you guys :shifty: He's quite the looker with his swoopy dorsal :rolleyes: So charming and whatnot :rolleyes:
slamster17 said:
HEY NOW! i called the bottom left first. * puts on boxing gloves to beat up mam* :p
Hey, you two.....I believe that I actually called the bottom left boy first!!!!! :D


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