Marble- Then And Now

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Oooh, I have pictures of the ONE marble kid I have jarred, lemme show you guys!

Well, ok, I uploaded them and the pics didn't come out as cute as I thought :( Here he is anyway, getting redder ever day :wub:

And, just for fun (and because these pictures DID come out ok) the only marble DT that came from my red spawn

And a red cuz he looked so cute in deep thought.

Thanks squeeker :wub: and the rest of ya's.
Sue~ Yeah, that's big daddy :) FE has his brother.
Oooh! I've got some pretty fish coming my way. I'm not sure noe whicg way is my way. :/ I may be having them shipped to Virginia. :alien:

But Wuv they are beautiful. I like DT you know :D . Hint, hint, hint I think they're thick and hunky :wub:
Thanks! I get so excited when I look in the grow out, it seems I have quite the large marble turn out. Even those that look solid red from afar have marbling in their fins and in spots. They'll all grow up to be very handsome young men someday. I have som girls who are just perfectly marbled on the fins with very clean bodies. I can't help but think of what it would be like to breed back to dad, but he's just so,so huge and they seem so, so small....but they're long, much like he is. Ahhh, I'm just rambling. The last thing I need right now is more fry. My fishroom is swamped with racks of fish that aren't even mine, I have no room for my own even :X

I was never a fan of DT's until I had my own. My plakat DT's were actually the first I'd ever seen in a pk/dt form. I'd of probably stepped all over anyone to get to one, had one been shown to me, before that. Now I see them popping up everywhere. But, even at our last shw the judge remarked on the judging sheet that my red was the only DT plakat in the show, and he was. He at least deserved honorable mention :p
Which DT PK did you put in the show? I get lost and confused. :blink: :S :huh:

But that red marble DT is :drool: :drool: :drool: He's so handsome!

When do you get to clear some racks.

I would say we are ready for our fish if you need some room :D :hey:

But actually I have to stop until I move. I just sold the house I went to my Senior high school year in, reared my son in from his age 8 or 9, and lived in with one break of about 5 or 6 years since 1958. And now we are debating the wisdom of my moving to VA to help with the new baby (my first Grandchild at 64) or to stay in Fresno and continue with my life here in a little different setting.

But considering that I have 350 gallons of fish to move, I think I will delay adding new ones to the move for a moment. I have 45 days or less to downsize to my new arrangements, whatever they may be. HA!

If you sell the marble DT: Dibs w/ a sibling or two. I just started talking to a young Hmong man, who is an excellent fish hobbiest in the making, about breeding my fish. I doubt that that will work, but it's in my mind that I may try to do something like that. I will especially get into beeding and showing when I retire. It's just too much for me with work.Oh well, dreams. You probably want him to go where he will be sure to be bred for show. There will be more.

But the perfect ladies sound good too. I think DT PK is very appropriate for my Kill Bill Kung Foo Tank :fun:
Awwww, the little marble is SOOOOO CUTE!!! I'm in love :wub:
Yes I ignored him to drool all over the Pointy nose boys, but I like his little red saddle. He is an alert pretty little boy. I notice my Synirr babies all are talkers too.
You know, I'm liking the DTs more and more every time I see them Wuv. They have such a great color.
Sue~ Now you have me in a dizzy!! I can only assume you're confused because you see him giving a half hearted flare and I mentioned how he failed miserably at show because he doesn't flare? This was a rare moment, he was quite excited to see a different brother on the side of him, I had just rearranged :)

Congrats on the grandbaby :wub: I don't envy the decision you have to make. Moving tanks is hard,hard,hard. But they do grow so fast :wub:

Me too, lljdma!
Thanks,Synirr :wub:

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