Marble- Then And Now


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
Here's what my marble daddy looked like way back when you guys first saw him (well, not first saw him ,but he hadn't been seen in a looong time before that)


Aaaand, here he is as of last night.



He hasn't changed so much but he has gotten redder. FishEnthusiast said hers has gone almost completely red- minus a few spots on his tail and it makes me wonder what this one's going to do (by the way, Sabrina, if you see this feel free to post your marble boy in here!)
Ok, I just took this picture. I have more of his transformation in a thread here somewhere. I think the title has then and now in it too.

Here is his side shot


And here is a front shot. I love his lips :wub:


Thanks so much again Kelly, I love him to bits. I wonder if a difference in our water has anything to do with it. My water is very soft with a neutral ph. I don't know what kind of water you have. They sure look different.
awwwwww! I swear he just made my heart flip flop :wub: I think he looks even more handsome now, honestly. They're so neat! Just look at em!

(Tooz came over to peek at what I was "aawww'ing" at and she says she loves yours more than mine :lol:)
(Tooz came over to peek at what I was "aawww'ing" at and she says she loves yours more than mine :lol:)

That is too funny. I love the marble pattern, and there is absolutely no black in him at all which I really like. Some marbles get too black for me. I can't wait until the spring. I would love to get another marble. I am having a tank made that is going to be 55X15"X15", so I am probably going to divide it 11 ways(approx 5G each). A marble at each end would be :drool:
That sounds awesome, FE :thumbs:
Thanks for the comments,guys. Andie, his red is so solid now, he looks so handsome :wub:
Wuv, Is this the daddy of my cheesecake babies to come?

FishEnthusiast, the marbling on your boy's face is just almost perfect. He is splendid!
Those marblies are FANTASTIC. I can't WAIT for the babies to be all grown up!

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