
That's so awesome! Sounds like you may have caught it early enough.
Just an update - my little man is mended! He's swimming around in his 2 gallon, eating like a little piggy, and his scales are all back to normal. The Maracyn 2 worked :)
That is fab news ! :D
I had a platy once that started pineconing and she just refused to die. In hindsight I should have just ended it all sooner, but she looked so perky, ate and was active for about 10 days - in that time she just balloon more and more each day until one morning she was no more. :/ :(
I'm sorry to hear that :(

Thanks for the replies, though. I would definitely recommend Maracyn 2 to anyfish with dropsy now. It worked wonders for me.
Great new glad to hear that, just keep an eye on the fish as sometimes antibiotics can prolong there lives, don't want to burst your bubble.
Sometimes antibiotics are just keeping them alive, as they are taking care of the infection, once you stop treatment everything comes back, not saying it could happen just to keep an eye on the fish.
Ah right, yeah...thanks.

I do keep a steady eye on all my guppies get stared at for hours at a time, quite literally, and a few of my bettas (the one that's just got over dropsy included) are on my computer desk. I've been keeping a close eye on the little guy that had dropsy and feeding him freshly hatched baby brine shrimp so he's on good food, so hopefully everything will go smoothly from here on.

Thanks for all the help!
What a horrible disease/symptom. I'm glad he recovered! :)

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