Mangrove Trees For Filtration


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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I have recently discovered some folks use Mangrove Trees for filtration aid in either a refugium or even in the tank itself. I can not find much information on the subject. I am curious as to if this does work or just fun to try? Plus I can not find how fast the seedlings grow, just everything says slowly. What is slowly? LOL Of course if there is already this topic discussed elsewhere that I could not easily find, please direct me there. Thanx to all Karen C.
I have heard they are overrated but personally, I have no experience with them. SH
I have recently discovered some folks use Mangrove Trees for filtration aid in either a refugium or even in the tank itself. I can not find much information on the subject. I am curious as to if this does work or just fun to try? Plus I can not find how fast the seedlings grow, just everything says slowly. What is slowly? LOL Of course if there is already this topic discussed elsewhere that I could not easily find, please direct me there. Thanx to all Karen C.
From what I've read their growth rate is too slow to be of any value in refugium for nitrate removal, chaeto or other macro algae is better. However some people grow them for decorative purposes.
I have heard they are overrated but personally, I have no experience with them. SH

I have read both pros and cons. But, I am trying them. Will post my opinions on here later. Probably much later if they indeed are really slow growers. LOL Interesting project tho. Karen
cheato in a fudge would be better, faster growth and would use up more nitrate/phosphate.

you know when you say for filteration? you mean with live rock too right? and just algae for neutrients
cheato in a fudge would be better, faster growth and would use up more nitrate/phosphate.

you know when you say for filteration? you mean with live rock too right? and just algae for neutrients

So, I can presume you have used it or are using in with a tank or more? I am trying it in both fresh and salt water tanks. I have regular normal filters running on all tanks and do not expect the mangrove to be a miracle over night. I was just curious if anyone on the forum used it at all, and their opinions. Heck, one article on the net claimed once they get a good growth it will make a protein skimmer in a marine tank obsolete. That sounds to good to be true to tell ya the truth. Karen
cheato in a fudge would be better, faster growth and would use up more nitrate/phosphate.

you know when you say for filteration? you mean with live rock too right? and just algae for neutrients

So, I can presume you have used it or are using in with a tank or more? I am trying it in both fresh and salt water tanks. I have regular normal filters running on all tanks and do not expect the mangrove to be a miracle over night. I was just curious if anyone on the forum used it at all, and their opinions. Heck, one article on the net claimed once they get a good growth it will make a protein skimmer in a marine tank obsolete. That sounds to good to be true to tell ya the truth. Karen

yeah id say it was too good to be true, usually people whop go the ecosystem route (no skimmer) use algaes, micale muds deep sand beds the lot. They then stuff have to stock cautiously
cheato in a fudge would be better, faster growth and would use up more nitrate/phosphate.

you know when you say for filteration? you mean with live rock too right? and just algae for neutrients

So, I can presume you have used it or are using in with a tank or more? I am trying it in both fresh and salt water tanks. I have regular normal filters running on all tanks and do not expect the mangrove to be a miracle over night. I was just curious if anyone on the forum used it at all, and their opinions. Heck, one article on the net claimed once they get a good growth it will make a protein skimmer in a marine tank obsolete. That sounds to good to be true to tell ya the truth. Karen

yeah id say it was too good to be true, usually people whop go the ecosystem route (no skimmer) use algaes, micale muds deep sand beds the lot. They then stuff have to stock cautiously

I found this information that is quite good. Also these mangrove can be used for fresh water also as well as brackish. Anyhow here is some great info I thot I would share.

"Now don’t get excited cause mangroves are v-e-r-y s-l-o-w growers. It can take a couple of week’s minimum for new leaves to appear and sometimes a month! As long as its not shriveling up and turning into something that resembles a piece of beef jerky its probably doing just fine. Don’t worry about it getting too large either. These can be trimmed back much like a Bonsai tree once there are a dozen sets of leaves on it and kept to a nice bushy 24 inch plant. Remember it’s the roots that are doing all of the work not the plant growth itself. I have some that are less than 18 inches in height and only have 8 leaves that are over 2 years old! But the root system from this joker will fill the better part of half a 5 gallon bucket!!! You should also mist them with RO/DI water at least every 2 days at a minimum. You have to wash the salt out of the leaves pores!

Mangroves are often used by aquarist in refugiums for the primary purpose of removing excess nutrients in the display tanks water much as they would in a natural saltwater marsh. Many reefers will just use two or three to assist and or compliment their existing filtration system and this is often just fine as there will be a number of benefits. Generally speaking, depending upon the source of information, you will need 1 Mangrove tree for every 10-20 gallons of tank system water for the best results in cleansing the water if this is going to be your primary means of water filtration. While the trees don’t get very large they do have a phenomenal root system that will boggle the mind in its immensity. As you can imagine this can take up a considerable amount of space. Unlike a potted plant that becomes root bound, and its roots will just over grow the pot and stunt the growth of the plant, mangrove root systems are quiet capable of breaking glass or acrylic refugiums rather easily if not afforded adequate room. Another often over looked aspect of having mangroves in the refugium is that they will strip the magnesium from the water. It will be imperative that you test and supplement as needed to keep the required levels in your display. " Karen C.

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