Man In Tennessee Caught With 18 Venomous Snakes

Business is really good this summer. I charge by species and if needed, toxicity.
$14 for small snakes, garters, green snakes, Ribbon snakes
$20 for baby venomous snakes, copperheads, water mocasins, coral snakes, small rattlers
$40 for adult venomous snakes, previously stated only rattlers are wayyy bigger.
$50 if their big arse python gets out and they couldn't catch it.

I get about 8 calls a week on water mocasins and greensnakes.
Very lucrative.
After you catch them, do you turn them loose in someone else's yard so they will call you? Just kidding. But really, what do you do with them?
How did you advertise for this business or get word out? Ad in the yellow pages perhaps or flyers or word of mouth? I'd love to get started on this, my city is big and there are lots of rattlers and garters all about !
Not to be picky but isnt it venoumous when referring to snake bites not poisinous, same with fish. I was just under the impression venom is from bites and stings and things of such nature and poisonous is from ingesting something. Just curious...

According to the Free Dictionary, venom is "1. A poisonous secretion of an animal, such as a snake, spider, or scorpion, usually transmitted by a bite or sting. 2. A poison" so I guess either one would be correct although most all references I found to snakes did use the word venomous.
According to the Free Dictionary, venom is "1. A poisonous secretion of an animal, such as a snake, spider, or scorpion, usually transmitted by a bite or sting. 2. A poison" so I guess either one would be correct although most all references I found to snakes did use the word venomous.
:good: Good to know.

My brother ran around posting signs on light posts and bars and stuff. I ended up with about 55 calls in about 3 weeks the first year I did this. I basically put them in a bag and gave them to the aquarium, zoo, or whoever wanted one (non venomous for those people). If I ever catch cornsnakes or milksnakes, I keep two and try to breed them, and if they do, I let the male go and keep the female until eggs appear. Then I incubate those and when they hatch, I sell them to petstores and people who want one.
Hey great idea! I could always tame down the non venomous and sell them off. Venomous be a problem as there are tons of rattlers around here, Just toss em into a crate and release them somewhere...
Yup, that's all that there really is to it. There is the occasional EVIL kingsnake that will tag you at ever change given but those are rare.

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