Male Swordtail Bully

I have 4 dwarf gouramis, 4 serpae tetras, 4 black neons, 4 swordtails, 4 tiger barbs and 1 neon tetra.

They are all relatively small. I don't know their exact sizes but none of them are larger than 3 inches.

Tank is 60cmx30cm. I have a pic of it here
Yeah you are pretty close to a full stock. Tank is roughly about 20 gallons? I had 4 sword tails, and a platy in a 10 gallon, and they have since been upgraded to a 40gallon tank and because they have more room to go, they don't seem to be as aggressive towards each other. Keep an eye on the tiger barb as I have seen them be really aggressive. Although, my sword tails punked him out pretty good. I would be more worried about the tiger showing aggression towards the smaller fish you have. Just something to watch out for. If you see the tiger going after the smaller fish, you may need to move him out. This is the tank my sword tails are in.

Your tank is very lovely by the way. We are looking into similar styles for our next tank (we already have 4 and looking forward to our next! lol
Yeah you are pretty close to a full stock. Tank is roughly about 20 gallons? I had 4 sword tails, and a platy in a 10 gallon, and they have since been upgraded to a 40gallon tank and because they have more room to go, they don't seem to be as aggressive towards each other. Keep an eye on the tiger barb as I have seen them be really aggressive. Although, my sword tails punked him out pretty good. I would be more worried about the tiger showing aggression towards the smaller fish you have. Just something to watch out for. If you see the tiger going after the smaller fish, you may need to move him out. This is the tank my sword tails are in.

Your tank is very lovely by the way. We are looking into similar styles for our next tank (we already have 4 and looking forward to our next! lol

Yup roughly 20 gallons. Ah I see, would keep to this number then!

Yeah I worried about the Tigers but they aren't giving me any problems so far :good: They keep everything to themselves. Just the serpaes who did so much nipping they killed off almost all my neons (leaving the last one). But they got better now, phew! As for my swordtails, I think the aggressive behavior has cut down a bit? I don't see so much aggression just every now and then if the other gets too near. He's still very scared though.

I saw your tank and it's really pretty! Looks very colourful :lol: I think I like "bare" looking tanks like yours. Doesn't look too crowded and stuff. Wow! 4 tanks! I feel like getting another tank just for shrimp but may be low on the cash hehe.
Actually your tank is more like 15 Gal, i have 3 of that size. 2 Male swords is not good especially if there's not enough females which there isn't, your best bet would be to rehome 1 of you males

you also have too many shoals without there proper recommended group numbers, i a tank of this size its usually recommended to just have 1 shoal of fish.

what sex are your gourami? again if you have 2 males there will be problems
Actually your tank is more like 15 Gal, i have 3 of that size. 2 Male swords is not good especially if there's not enough females which there isn't, your best bet would be to rehome 1 of you males

you also have too many shoals without there proper recommended group numbers, i a tank of this size its usually recommended to just have 1 shoal of fish.

what sex are your gourami? again if you have 2 males there will be problems

I would love to rehome the male swordtail but I don't have another tank. I thought of putting him in the pond but I fear that would do him no good either.

Yes I understand about the shoals. Thing is, my dad got them as a gift for me and he didn't know about those things since he's been keeping koi and dwarf gouramis. Neither did until I joined the forum :/

My gouramis are all males. They show their dominance now and then but they usually keep to their own space.
you have 4 Male Gourami in a 2ft tank :crazy: that is asking for trouble, they 'may' be ok while there young but as they age you will have problems
you have 4 Male Gourami in a 2ft tank :crazy: that is asking for trouble, they 'may' be ok while there young but as they age you will have problems

Yes so far they're still okay :( I told my dad about it but he doesn't want to re-home them to the pond. We have 2 in there but 1 is so shy we rarely see him. I posted a new thread in the gourami section about one of them. Slightly worried about that fella :sad:

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