Male Or Female Bettas?


Apr 5, 2006
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are these 4 bettas male or female? they were sold as female, but nosoup4you suspects that one or more of them are male.




the only one that looks female is the top one but it could be a young male. steel is definately male and so is red, blue, im on the fence about but swaying more to male.
i know males fight, but i've never seen them fighting. can't they all be females with uncommonly long anal fins?
i know males fight, but i've never seen them fighting. can't they all be females with uncommonly long anal fins?

I'm with Modaz and to be honest he knows better than most whats what with Bettas. Pet stores often mislabel male PK's as females Ive had females turn out to be males I bought 3 all 3 were male - if it helps the red boy is really pretty! My female Mim looks male like so there is a chance one or two are girls can you see a white tube behind the anal fin on any of them?
i know males fight, but i've never seen them fighting. can't they all be females with uncommonly long anal fins?

It could be that they have all grown uptogether in a small tank so had been unble to establish individual territories as previously they would of fought and realised they couldn't win so have now probably got a hierachial structure with the strongest being dominant but not overtly aggressive. Still not a great Idea to keep them together as they will all still be stressed even though they are not being openly attacked they are looking over there shoulders waiting for something to kick off. I would reccomend you seperate them once some one has confirmed modaz's identifications.
I think they are all females. I have three females in a tank together and I definitely see a resemblance between mine and the pics you posted. I have a blue one, a red one and a pink one, and I think that a lot of people don't realize that that they can be just as colorful as the males. I've also discovered that they seem to have a lot more personality. I'm getting hooked on them! Hope this little bit of info helps!
are these 4 bettas male or female? they were sold as female, but nosoup4you suspects that one or more of them are male.




peach is female
Steel is male
blue is female
red is female
I'm with Modaz on these :good:

Ovispot's mean nothing, I dont know how many times this has been said, but Juvenile Males show ovispots too!!

They are definately not all females :no:
the only one that looks female is the top one but it could be a young male. steel is definately male and so is red, blue, im on the fence about but swaying more to male.
I agree with the gender of steel but I dunno about blue and red. I think there female
Ovi's do not mean a thing I'm afraid. The problem with Ovi's is like bronze and wilson have said, they are seen on young males too, about 70% ish of them so never go by this. The best way is to seperate them and observe them and see what happens, treat them all as if you were conditioning them for spawning, feed high protiens 3 times a day and increase temp to around 28 - 30 degrees, with 7-10 days you will know what is female and what isnt.
i went hunting for a clan of females yesterday. I went back to the shop that sold my PK as a girl but he is actually a boy. I looked in the tank that said FEMALE bettas and seen a few....but then i noticed there was 3 males in there! Two of them had magor fin damage :( i felt so sorry for them i nearlly bought then, then remembered i need to divide my tank in order to house them....but i ummed and ahhhed as to even whether the girls were in fact girls!
this is so weird because when I first saw the pics I thought that steel was the only male but now when I look at all of them they're all female to me

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