Male Betta With 2 Dwarf Bumblebee Gobies?


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Moray, Scotland
HI guys,

Ive been keeping fish for few months now after being given a ten gallon tank now adicted! I recently bought a five gallon with the intention of housing a good looking male betta. The tank is 18 inch by 10 by 10 again so around 6 gallon but im allowing for decor so five gallons.Could I have opinions on wether I could keep two dwarf bumble bee gobies with a betta or is it to small and the water conditions to different.....

Really appreicate your help
from what i understand, alot of gobies are brackish, u might wana check that out
yeh I think your rite sadly, people say you can keep them in freshwater ...but I've never kept them and finding them where I live would be well a long search!! So I think Mr Betta may be alone as not really sure what wuld be safe with him as they dont like colourful or fanc fins! thanks any suggestions?
Otos! fun little sucker fish that are usually too fast for the betta. And they cannot nip fins. They generally make good tank mates (I say generally, cuz some bettas just dont like anything in their tank).

I believe the full name is Otocinclus catfish. You just need to get algae wafers for them. I have 2 in a 5 gallon with one of my bettas.
Dwarf bumblebee gobies?
As far as I know, there aren't dwarf bumblebee gobies... They're already very small to begin with so a dwarf variety would be like.. what.. half an inch long :p (which would be adorable btw! lol)

We keep ours in a freshwater tank and it does absolutely fine.
I'm not sure about keeping some with a betta though.
It depends on the betta. If the betta tolerates them, then YAY! But I don't know if I would risk it.

You should also know that bumblebee gobies are extremely... and I mean EXTREMELY picky w/ their food. At least mine is. It came very close to dieing a month ago b/c it would not eat anything I was trying to feed it, which included bloodworms it had been eating before. Guess they weren't fresh enough for it or something *shrugs*
If you have access to live food though, then you shouldn't have a problem with that.
Brachygobius xanthomelas is a freshwater fish. PFK found them going really cheap a few months ago. The other bumblebee gobies are brackish and its' hard to tell them apart. If you don't mind forking out for live food you'll be fine.
Thanks for your info, i don't think i'll keep any with Mr Betta but they r so cute I think I will end up with some in another tank...I sense a trip to LFS :good:
Otto or maybe pigmy corys they look cute and could get say four in a 6 gallon with a betta?......I'll keep researching :hyper:
Meh, I'd say if you want an interesting fish that wont nip fins, id go with 4 Pygmy cories, that would do fine in your tank. They inhabit mid-bottom of the tank and the betta will do the top, to me, great combo!

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