ya...no kiddin. theres always that occasional "sweet" man, and bad ass girl....i happen to have both, and them pic's of dragon is what you get when the 2 cross! lol.
thats the worse thing about this....if he was any one of my other males, he woulda faught back. but NO....he's gotta be the one that goes by that whole "don't hit girls" thing.....he has never even flared at her. all he's ever done is swim by the thing she was in, and stare at her.

i know this has nothing to do with the subject, but i just found out that dragon can race with me! lol. sometimes i put my hand in the tank and play with him....well, he swam up aside my hand, and i went to move it to the other side of the tank, and he swam as fast as he could to keep up with me! stayed right next to me the whole time.....even on the way back to the other side of the tank.