male and female fought...EMERGENCY

steppy104 said:
here she is....she gets pretty mad when i put her in small places, so she was making it difficult for me to take her pictures :rolleyes:




this gal here is the ferocious one that kicked my dragons booty! such a lil devil! :rolleyes:
Small little nipper
VERY manly.....even builds her own bubblenests, and highly dislikes ALL of the guys she see's. she has never gotten horny bars once.....i'd say she's a lez, but i had her with my other girl once, and she didn't take much notice to her. :rolleyes:
no's just the kind of cam thats connected to the computer...a lil cheap one.

but i do use a lamp that i shine on the little cup thing so i can see her better....without the light, all you see is a black shadow :(
I had a problem like this too. What's the tank size? Also some pics of the male status would help alot. I added a half of a teaspoon of salt in my containers and changed the water everyday, now about 2 weeks later my male is now active and flaring at the others.
ive kept a female that spawned twice with the same male , but she once shredded him and he never recoverd , but ive alos been sold a female that was a plakat, i realised this when he was bulidng bubblenests, unless you have got a young male plakat ??? 1st time of heard of females buliding nests . :D
skunk made a good point! you might have a young male plakat (roundtail). i'm pretty sure that females don't flare or build bubble nests.

it's really hard to tell plakats from females. and plakats will tear apart any long-tailed variety.

my King got his butt handed to him from Ming, my plakat (who jumped over the divider). he even had his face shredded pretty badly. after a melafix/salt treatment and water changes, he's healed and his tail is almost fully grown back. hardy bettas will survive a lot worse than ur guy got
as your fish will gorw you will be able to tell if its a plakat or not, they get alot larger than ordinary females and you can tell by their features.
Females flare, look for the white spot behind their ventral fins to make sure you have a girl, mine has it, but still flares at the mirror with more anger than most of my males. :blink:
ya...she has the white spot thing.

i already know for sure that she's a girl....she just happens to be one that prefers fights over love. lol.

i asked when i first seen her build a huge nest if she was girl or plakat...already got ma answers for that....guess i just got that odd girly! :fun:
she looks like my female betta except mines a little darker red with a touch of blue .. until i added her to my 65 gallon my rainbow shark thought he was mr tough guy, then when i added her she calmy floated down to check him out .. flared at him a couple times then chased the poor guy all over the place lol, needless to say he lost his territory but from what goes on now i think she let him have it back and they get along fine now lol
Almost all of my girls build nests and flare. The top of my community female tank is almost always covered :rolleyes:

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