Malaysian Trumpet Snails In Sand Substrate


Fish Crazy
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, MI USA
Hey everyone,
I know a lot of you use sand as a substrate and keep MTS. I was hoping for advice.

I'm switching my 29gal tank over to a sand substrate this is my tank that I raise guppies and trumpet snails in. I feed the trumpet snails to my clown loaches in my 150gal as treats, and hope some of them survive long enough to aerate the substrate.

Do the trumpet snails do ok with sand? Do they burrow through as they do with gravel?

I realize these are probably dumb questions, but I prefer to cover my bases before making changes in successful tanks.

As far as I know I think they do the same in sand as they do in gravel.

Thanks Sam, I assumed they would. I just didn't want to switch over and all of a sudden see a couple of hundred of em all crawling on the surface of the substrate.

I feed the trumpet snails to my clown loaches in my 150gal as treats

!!!!!! :( :( MTS are my friends! In refuse to help!!!


btw, MTS will do exactly the same thing in gravel as sand since i had both in my tank and they went in both!! ;)
!!!!!! MTS are my friends! In refuse to help!!!

Ha ha!

I like them too and only a small fraction end up as food and they live a darn good life. I'm the only person I know of the feeds his MTSs chicken and fish on a regular basis and gives them frequent CaCO3 supplementation for their shells.

they love the sand i hardly ever see mine as they spend most of there time burried in the sand.
I can't stand the darn things, crawling all over the place in my tank n i want rid but fighting a losing battle !!! Any tips on how to say :byebye: :byebye: to em ?
clown loach, would desimate the population of them, but they grow quite large, there are also several over the counter remidies for snail infestations...
I'm the only person I know of the feeds his MTSs chicken and fish on a regular basis and gives them frequent CaCO3 supplementation for their shells.

Just out of interest, it is such a good idea to be adding meat to a tank?

clown loach, would desimate the population of them, but they grow quite large, there are also several over the counter remidies for snail infestations...

I've got three clown loaches, about 1 year old so only about 2 1/2 inches long and they don't touch 'em, do clown loaches need to be a certain age/size before they start eating snails?

Ps sorry for hijacking the thread!!
Not that I know of! Mine always eat all the snails with a few days when I add the to a 'new' tank! You could be overfeeding?
Just out of interest, it is such a good idea to be adding meat to a tank?


I stay away from high fat meats, and only add small amounts at one time so that it doesn't start to rot.

Been doing it for a couple of years now and have yet to have a problem.

Oh right fair enough, not come accross this before, just wondered :) thanks
i cant imagine adding chicken to a tank would be much diffrent to adding a boiled prawn or such like that lots of people do for there fishys
Yeh but prawns and mussels are ment to be in water, chicken isn't, where might be different fats, etc.

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