Malawi MaD
Fish Herder
Looks like you have a Aulonocara baenschi in your sig Riogal (top right corner)
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Ok, so Saulosi it is then. Would i be better off keeping a species only tank then? How many Petricola could i keep in there aswell?
Are the Saulosi an active species?
I believe my LFS has them in along with the 'Coral Reef' variety... Which would be the better choice? And i think they're all young so all the same colour so it maybe a case of buy 'X' amount then rehome any excess males?
Thanks for all your help, can't wait to get it all going now!
Uh oh! I wondered why he looked different than the others, but I just thought he was a hybrid of some sort. He gets along well though and he's my favorite in the tank! Do you think he will be okay? I also noticed that he was slower moving and more docile, but I figured it was just his individual personality... oops!Looks like you have a Aulonocara baenschi in your sig Riogal (top right corner)
Multipunctatus might be a better option, a little more agressive and a lot cheaper, Petricola pretty pricey, but thats what you pay to ensure they are not cross bred mongs. I need to buy 4 more myself, gonna be £50 for live bait sized ones |: