Malawi Setup


Jul 8, 2010
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dunstable, (lu54ap)
I was going to do a marine tank but as funds are short i cannot afford to get all the equipment i need, so i have decided to go with my original plan for a malwai setup, basically i am some advice on what malawis can be kept together in a 140ltr tank. thanx in advance
malawis when small can be peaceful, but when they're adults, they are vicious. i had Iodotropheus sprengerae, or rusty cichlid. it killed a jack dempsey, a convict, almost an angel and almost a blood parrot. it also killed a krib, an oscar and 2 labs. those aren't probably compatible :lol:
30g isn't huge for malawi's. I wonder if you might be better doing the shellies? Shell dwellers are small but fab little african fish and will live and breed in a good tank environment. They don't tend to be quite so aggressive as their larger malawi cousins and don't make as much mess either.
If you really are set on Malawi's, be careful to look up adult sizes etc. In such a small tank they will get agressive. If you're looking to avoid breeding, getting one male of a few species would work, just be sure to be 100% sure that they are male and not interbreedable. Most aren't but some are, when from the same genus etc.
Hope this helps a little.
P.S:You could get a bigger tank of course. :shifty:
i will be getting a bigger tank, i am ordering an 8x2x2 from NDaquatics but will be using mine for a few months while i wait for funds and them to make it
Woah, that's the size I'm aiming for for my Malawi's but it ain't cheap! :crazy: I have some serious saving to reach for that size. My 6 footer has to suffice for now. :rolleyes: Now if you're asking what to stock in a tank that size I could get very involved. :drool:
For the 30g for now you could have some Protomelas, lots of variations so personal preference needs to chose which strain. And it depends on whether you're after fish that will breed in the tank. So I shan't say any further for now.

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