Making Your Own Rocks.


Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Colorado, US
For those of you that have seen the videos of the people doing DIY rock aqaurium backgrounds I have a question.
Do you think it would be possible to make your own rocks out of styrophome and concrete as well?
I really want to get Texas holey rock for my tank but I just don't want to pay the outrageous prices, it's rocks!!!!
So, do you think it would be possible to cut and shape styrophome (know that's spelled wrong) with the holes and stuff and concrete it over to be like the holey rock?
Sounds like a great project! If oyu do it, please consider doing a journal here so we can see :) If the backgrounds aren't harmful, I don't see any difference.
Hmm, interesting idea! I'd be scared to try it though; not sure what it could add to the water over time.
Well when they do it they take stryophome pieces, and silicone them onto another piece of styrophome. They then glue little rock looking cut outs onto the first one, do three layers of cement spread out across three days and then silocone the back ground to the back of the tank, and it got me thinking, what if someone has the background like that, but thier decor doesn't match and then it looks bad, I think it's a cool idea to make your own rocks. That way you can have them just the way you want them.
The only thing about the cement is that is raises the PH (which is kind of good since I had a cichlid tank) But if you fill and empty your tank a few times (or i'm sure just wash the rocks ) then it's fine.
So that's it, I think I'm going to do it!
I really like this one.
:hyper: I have watched those youtube's till I'm dizzy! My problem is that my tap PH is 8.1 so I haven't tried it yet....maybe when I move. I really think you can make the rocks and they would be great....I bet it would also be an awesome way to practice the techniques...I bet you'll be makin a background next :lol: Good luck and I hope you post updates!!!
:hyper: I have watched those youtube's till I'm dizzy! My problem is that my tap PH is 8.1 so I haven't tried it yet....maybe when I move. I really think you can make the rocks and they would be great....I bet it would also be an awesome way to practice the techniques...I bet you'll be makin a background next :lol: Good luck and I hope you post updates!!!

I wouldn't use any sort of concrete or cement, there are so many minerals that would leech into your water over time. Essentially killing everything.
Well I have a 55 gallon now with little cichlid babies in it, so I don't want to make the background and stuff yet, I was thinking about building my own tank, maybe like 250-300 gallons, and I think I would do the rock and background in that tank, but that project won't start til I graduate in 9 months and start making some money! :}

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