Maybe you should consider introducing reverse osmosis water as a percentage of your tank volume. I buy RO water, paying £3.50 for 25 litres, and gradually built up the volume used until approx 40-50% of my tank volume is RO. This has brought my pH down from 7.8 (tap water) to 7. It also reduces the Nitrate concentrate, which is 10pm from my tap. Using chemicals to alter your pH will only cause swings, as you are experiencing, and these are more dangerous to the fish. If you want to use some hardware to raise your pH and harden your water, try sea shells, but the difference might prove negligable and certainly it will be slow. IMO, RO will offer you a more quick fix solution (but still needs to be introduced gradually) and it will also give you some amount of control, since you will find a balance that works. I would also advise you invest in a liquid test kit, they are more accurate. Good luck!