Magic Fish Kit

p.s where did all the bettas go??????
cichlids now ay lol i have a pair of kribensis in with my golden loach 3 golden panchax and betta.
plus they all love the new 98ltr tank i brought for there element over the moon

Loved my bettas but I got apistogramma fever. My LFS put me in touch with a betta collector/breeder in our area, who happily took them on. He's sucsessfully bred the dragonhm/pk female I had, eggs hatched on Friday and everything is looking fine (gives me weekly updates).

p.s drobbyb, I know how to cycle a tank, it's not just sat there doing nothing ;)
I've asked for one of these kits for christmas. If I get one I'll let you all know how I get on.

Ohh interesting! I'm holding off, getting him one for xmas but it's his bday in feb, so if yours goes well, I may wekk purchase him a set.

The tank isn't being forgot about, I took over 10 cherry shrimp with lots of moss etc, today. So atleast that will keep him occupied! He's 7, going on 70, seriously, right little brain box he is!

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