Made A Fish Caresheet For My Job At A Pet Store...

I applaud your effort to get information out to your customers and i hope your manager will support you. I agree w/most of the previous suggestions. Another point you might want to make is the value of keeping schooling fish in schools. It drives me absolutely crazy when i see a mom picking out fish for her little kids and they get ONE neon tetra, and ONE zebra danio,and ONE cory...
I applaud your effort to get information out to your customers and i hope your manager will support you. I agree w/most of the previous suggestions. Another point you might want to make is the value of keeping schooling fish in schools. It drives me absolutely crazy when i see a mom picking out fish for her little kids and they get ONE neon tetra, and ONE zebra danio,and ONE cory...

Hahahaha you should have seen the argument that a bunch of people and I had with "bitteraspects" about keeping schooling fish together... basically he believed that because they were in captivity, fish weren't social animals anymore and they didn't need to be kept in groups. Unfortunately, it got removed because I reported him for saying belittling things like that we all needed to "hit the books" (ahem, I have a degree in animal behavior...) and we needed to "grow up."
There is nothing unfortunate about removing a totally nasty thread from this forum Rothenb1. It is supposed to be a place to exchange ideas and get advice, like maybe someone would like other members to check the validity of a care sheet for example.
There is nothing unfortunate about removing a totally nasty thread from this forum Rothenb1. It is supposed to be a place to exchange ideas and get advice, like maybe someone would like other members to check the validity of a care sheet for example.

Oh no I understand completely, its just that person was belittling everyone and I thought that the previous poster would have enjoyed seeing it. And no one has been nasty here, they have been very helpful! :) Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.
There is nothing unfortunate about removing a totally nasty thread from this forum Rothenb1. It is supposed to be a place to exchange ideas and get advice, like maybe someone would like other members to check the validity of a care sheet for example.

Oh no I understand completely, its just that person was belittling everyone and I thought that the previous poster would have enjoyed seeing it. And no one has been nasty here, they have been very helpful! :) Sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

Yes, i would've liked to have put my two cents in on that one. It's one of my pet peeves! :)
The best thing you can do is educate yourself as much as you can learn it all. That way if this caresheet does not work out you will be ready to answer any question people ask. Haveing educated staff is the best thing.

Keep asking question on this site and keep doing your research. A fish shops is only good if the staff cares. My fav lf stinks now because they laid off this awesome girl that did the fish. Lucky for me she got a job at another shop and has done great things for that shopes fish section. I don't even go to the other shop any more. She is helpful knows her stuff and honesty like fish.

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