'lumps' In Hose On External Filter


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2011
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SE Essex
Hi all,

I noticed last night that the hoses on my Eheim 2213 (installed for 3weeks approx) has 'lumps' in.
The rigid tubing going into the tank has none, just the flexible Eheim green hosing.
Can't tell what the 'lumps' are.
Is this normal?
hey, i've got the same filter and i've noticed some 'slime' along the tubes. I assume this is fine though, sorry i can't be more help!
Hi all,

I noticed last night that the hoses on my Eheim 2213 (installed for 3weeks approx) has 'lumps' in.
The rigid tubing going into the tank has none, just the flexible Eheim green hosing.
Can't tell what the 'lumps' are.
Is this normal?


Inside or outside of the hose?

Part of the hose or somthing that has turned up after?

Is it the same colour as the hose or darker?
Please click on links below to see pictures. Sorry, but they are the best ones I can get.


Please click on links below to see pictures. Sorry, but they are the best ones I can get.



Aha, the light now dawns.

That is just algea, unsightly but harmless.
You can clean out your hoses if it bothers you.
You will need a pull through hose cleaning brush.
It is actualy good maintenance practice to do this once in a while.

Ah, now I understand and I slightly disagree! While for the most part is is harmless and you can get away with leaving it for quite a long time, it turns out that algae and other substances getting attached inside hoses is one of the very largest causes of flow rate decrease. In fact there are some very good discussions we've had in the past about this.

It's a pain but what I do is periodically just bite the bullet and take the whole hose system apart during one of my monthly external cannister cleanings. You have to prepare yourself by having special brushes on long wires or springs (trombone brushes work) measured to more than reach through the halfway point of your longest hose. The stuff comes off easily if you've got the brushes. Another detail of the discussions was that the material the hoses are made of becomes stiff over time and at some point may become so stiff that you may get an unexpected leak at the point where a hose tightly attaches to a stiff plastic part. So it turns out that hosing is so cheap that after one or two cleanings and two or three years go by its really better to save yourself one of the cleaning efforts and just replace the hoses!

Was hoping NOT to do this as didn't want to go through the business of priming it all again, but do understand that's it's important.
Cheers guys
Was hoping NOT to do this as didn't want to go through the business of priming it all again, but do understand that's it's important.
Cheers guys

how do YOU prime your 2013. i may have a couple of tricks for you. from a completely empty system, it takes 3 minutes to get one primed and working. if its just after my clean, it takes 20 seconds.
Have only done it once. I filled the filter with water sucked on the hose and got someone to plug it in when I got a mouth full of water, then attached the hose to the spray bar once I removed my mouth :drool:
Have only done it once. I filled the filter with water sucked on the hose and got someone to plug it in when I got a mouth full of water, then attached the hose to the spray bar once I removed my mouth :drool:

sounds just like me. but it takes 20 seconds, on my own, to do it. if you top up the filter, and any hose lengths attached. you don't really need to suck. i still do though, just to make sure. only thing to make sure of is, that the water level does not fall below the inlet level. if it does, i suck on the cannister end of the inlet pipe till lts filled with water, then lock the tap off.
Cheers guys. Am in he process of buying a nice long brush (trombone) and plan to do it on my next water change (as long as the brush arrives ;-))
Cheers guys. Am in he process of buying a nice long brush (trombone) and plan to do it on my next water change (as long as the brush arrives ;-))

you know what? i find the wire used to hang net curtains is good for this, and cheap. just screw a hook in one end, pass it through the pipe. pass some cloth through the hook, and pull it back through. :hyper: i do have a "real" cleaning brush. but, in comparison to the method above, its so much hassle to use.

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