Lump On Side Of Fish?


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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I haven't seen my Red Tailed Black Shark for a few days, and I when I finally caught a quick glance of him this afternoon it looks as though he has a large lump on his right side.
Like I said, I haven't seen him for a few days, normally he comes out to play in his bubbles or to look for some food. I have noticed that hes gone a shade of grey and his tail isn't very red, more like a clear orange colour.

Tank has been running since the end of September and fish was added at the end of October, no other fish in the tank with him. Tank size is roughly H 40.6 x W 30.5 x D 17.8 cm holding about 6 gallons. ( I THINK anyway, I'm basing tese measurements of a different tank I saw on the net, as it is very similar to mine. I have no way of finding out what the real measurements are.)
20% water change every week, using Tetra AquaSafe. I stir up the gravel to get all the uneaten food and poop into the water so I can take as much of it out as I can when I change the water. Feed every few days with Flake Food. Nothing new added to the tank.
I do have a test strip but I've been told in previous posts thats no good. :/ I've given him a dose of 'Disease Safe' by Gold.

Unable to get any pictures because he refuses to come out from his hiding spaces. I don't want to force him to come out in case I frighten him.
If it's a lump, there won't be anything you can do, I'm afraid.

I have to say, you have a lot of other issues, that I feel I must address.

You shouldn't have that much poo or uneaten food in the gravel. Either you're feeding too much, or you need to do more gravel cleans/water changes.

The pale colour of your RTBS is quite likely to be down to water quality, although it could be that it feels sick and is to do with the lump. He's also much, much to large a fish to be living in a 6g tank; the minimum size for them is four foot/55g.

Post the results from your test strips anyway; it would be better than nothing.

I'd do a 50 water change/gravel clean every day for a week and sort out a new home for your fish; either by getting a bigger tank, or rehoming it with someone who does. I'm sorry, but he can't stay where he is.
If it's a lump, there won't be anything you can do, I'm afraid.

I have to say, you have a lot of other issues, that I feel I must address.

You shouldn't have that much poo or uneaten food in the gravel. Either you're feeding too much, or you need to do more gravel cleans/water changes.

The pale colour of your RTBS is quite likely to be down to water quality, although it could be that it feels sick and is to do with the lump. He's also much, much to large a fish to be living in a 6g tank; the minimum size for them is four foot/55g.

Post the results from your test strips anyway; it would be better than nothing.

I'd do a 50 water change/gravel clean every day for a week and sort out a new home for your fish; either by getting a bigger tank, or rehoming it with someone who does. I'm sorry, but he can't stay where he is.

He doesn't have alot of poo or uneaten food in the gravel, I stir the gravel up so that if there is any waste in the gravel I can take it out. I can't find a new home for him, I don't have the money nor the space to buy a bigger tank, and there isn't anyone to take him. He's been completley fine up until a this lump problem.

Test strip results:
No3: 10
NO2: 10
GH: 16d
KH: 6d
Cl2: 0.8
I'm afraid he's not going to stay 'completely fine' in a tank that size, although to be totally honest, I think it's probably too late for him anyway :(

Your no2/nitrite reading is way, way to high (assuming it's in any way accurate, although I would have thought your fish would be dead if it really was 10; my test only goes up to 5 :crazy: ); you need to do a series of large water changes; any level above 0.25ppm can cause death or long term helth issues for the fish.

If (and it's big 'if') he gets any better once you've sorted your water, you should either take him back to where you bought him, or put an ad on Aquarist Classified/Craiglist/whatever and find him a new home; keeping him in 6g is like trying to keep a racehorse in your back garden, it just isn't going to work and will result in the death of the fish.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I only have the best interests of the fish at heart.
I'm afraid he's not going to stay 'completely fine' in a tank that size, although to be totally honest, I think it's probably too late for him anyway :(

Your no2/nitrite reading is way, way to high (assuming it's in any way accurate, although I would have thought your fish would be dead if it really was 10; my test only goes up to 5 :crazy: ); you need to do a series of large water changes; any level above 0.25ppm can cause death or long term helth issues for the fish.

If (and it's big 'if') he gets any better once you've sorted your water, you should either take him back to where you bought him, or put an ad on Aquarist Classified/Craiglist/whatever and find him a new home; keeping him in 6g is like trying to keep a racehorse in your back garden, it just isn't going to work and will result in the death of the fish.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I only have the best interests of the fish at heart.
I have no idea what this test kit means either :C
I'll do a water change now.

Do you think (if he survives) he would do ok in a 14 Gallon tank? It's got 6 Neon Tetras in and some shrimp.
Unfortunately not, this RTBS needs AT LEAST a 50 gallon there anyway you can return him to a fish store with such tanks, or a friend that has a much bigger tank? As fluttermouth said, it is rather cruel to keep such a fish in a tank that size and he will not survive for much longer.

Unfortunately not, this RTBS needs AT LEAST a 50 gallon there anyway you can return him to a fish store with such tanks, or a friend that has a much bigger tank? As fluttermouth said, it is rather cruel to keep such a fish in a tank that size and he will not survive for much longer.


The store I got him from had him in a tank MUCH smaller than the one hes in now. I don't have anyone to take him.
Sorry, but its the truth. :|
Well i suppose there really isn't alot you can do for him, this why it is always advised to do a little research into the fish you are buying BEFORE you listen to pet shops and part with your ca$h.

Well i suppose there really isn't alot you can do for him, this why it is always advised to do a little research into the fish you are buying BEFORE you listen to pet shops and part with your ca$h.


I did do my research.
What I found said it would be ok in that size tank.

Don't suppose anyone is going to tell me what that lump is...?
Lumps can be hard to diagnose, does it appear to be an external growth or more internal pushing out? If it appears to be internal pushing out its most likely parasites. But again as everyone else said the tank is too small, and when you do your research try to get your information from reputable sources. Not just info boards or peoples posts. While many people out there do in fact have a good understanding and good deal of knowledge most also do not and can appear to. As a result it can be very misleading. Good luck with the fish but without an upgrade or finding him a new home it will just be one problem after another until the inevitable happens.
It could be a parasite, or it could be an injury from trying to get around in such tight places. I can't imagine where you found info that would lead you to believe it would be all right to keep it confined in such tight places. Coming from a small tank in the LFS means NOTHING. They're not intended to be there very long. It also doesn't sound like you cycled your tank before introducing him to it. And especially with a small tank, you should be doing larger and more frequent water changes.

As has been said previously, the future looks short for your fish.
Hello, sorry about your fish. I can't really add much help. If it is a lump that appears to be on the inside pushing out then unfortunately there probably is much you can do. Possibly a parasite, or possibly a growth of some kind. Without cutting it open really no way to tell. You could try an internal parasite medication. I had a betta fish once that developped a lump. I treated him for internal parasites but to no eval. He unfortunately died with the lump still there. I am assuming in my case it was a growth of some sort. Not much you can do in that case.

Good luck and sorry about your fish.
I haven't seen my Red Tailed Black Shark for a few days, and I when I finally caught a quick glance of him this afternoon it looks as though he has a large lump on his right side.
Like I said, I haven't seen him for a few days, normally he comes out to play in his bubbles or to look for some food. I have noticed that hes gone a shade of grey and his tail isn't very red, more like a clear orange colour.

Tank has been running since the end of September and fish was added at the end of October, no other fish in the tank with him. Tank size is roughly H 40.6 x W 30.5 x D 17.8 cm holding about 6 gallons. ( I THINK anyway, I'm basing tese measurements of a different tank I saw on the net, as it is very similar to mine. I have no way of finding out what the real measurements are.)
20% water change every week, using Tetra AquaSafe. I stir up the gravel to get all the uneaten food and poop into the water so I can take as much of it out as I can when I change the water. Feed every few days with Flake Food. Nothing new added to the tank.
I do have a test strip but I've been told in previous posts thats no good. :/ I've given him a dose of 'Disease Safe' by Gold.

Unable to get any pictures because he refuses to come out from his hiding spaces. I don't want to force him to come out in case I frighten him.

I don't know how telling you "your tank is too small" or "take a sick fish back" is supposed to help cure him, but I'll leave that to the experts. ;) At any rate, if the bump is asymmetrical then it is probably something growing on the inside and not constipation. Keep a close eye on it, if it starts to get red and look like a pimple is forming in the center, then it's bacterial and you need to start treating with antibiotics.

EDIT: By the way, you should be doing a 20% (1 gallon?) water change every day.
Everything these folks are saying is true. Try to get the shop to take the shark back or, if he is so ill, euthanise him (see info about using clove oil). Then populate your tank with the right sized fish in the right numbers. We can go on making you feel guilty for ever, but what is done is done - just get it sorted. Good luck!

So you're saying that taking him to a store where we all know the fish will not be treated due to simple business financial reasons, or to outright kill the fish rather than attempting to treat it is the "humane" thing to do? I disagree. There are few store owners (none of them chains or franchises) that might actually provide better treatment than the OP can, even though they all might be capable of doing so. Unless the OP can find an individual hobbyist willing to invest time and money in treating it, then the OP should handle it themself in my opinion.

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