Lucid Dreams?

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btw forgot to mention if anyone needs a picature reference of some stuff i have rough sketchs in my notes

and i dont want to be the only one lets see if other people can post theirs!
Holy crap. That was a DREAM? :blink:


My dreams are not NEARLY as complex as that. lol And since I'm not used to lucidity yet, I can't stay in lucid dreams that long. In other words, I have minimal control. :( *tear* I'm hoping I gain more control as I go on. But I'll tell one of mine. It was my second lucid dream that I had a couple nights ago.

Here goes (Don't mind, it's not nearly as complex or as long as yours. lol):

So it started, I was going on some school trip to goodness knows where - We were on a Greyhound bus (when our school always uses Beaver buses for trips, but whatevs), and we eventually arrived in America. We passed the border extremely easily, didn't need passports or anything. Then we arrived at some building that was some "Slide show Productions" building or something. They specialized in showing these slide shows. Basically, there were 10 or 15 electronic billboards set up down the street, which each showed you part of the slide show as you passed. It was really random, and the slide show was something about baseball. So then we arrive at some store/gallery, after viewing the slide show, and we're browsing around. I was with my friend, Dorian, and we were looking for some candy to bring back to the hotel room. The scene kept changing slightly, and every time I would look at the selection of food, it would be slightly different. Therefore, I couldn't find anything that I wanted to buy, and also, I forgot my money in my luggage (which was inside the cargo area of the bus). Dorian and I especially spent a long time browsing, and then we realized that basically everyone had left. I looked in the art gallery one more time (there were two other people left there), and realized that there was no candy for us to buy. We left the store, but couldn't find the bus in the parking lot. I looked to the left, and saw the bus pulling out. I shouted, "Wait!" but the bus drove away. I said, "Crap, what are we going to do now, Dori?" By this point it was night time and raining outside. Everything seemed kind of blurry to me (even though I had my glasses on).
"Call the bus". Dorian said. She pulled out her cell phone, which wasn't actually her cell phone in real life, and we walked over to a corner of the building to call. "You can call, Steph." She said.
"What's the number?" I asked. Just then, my other friend, Matraisa walked up (even though she wasn't on the tour/trip on the first place, and she should have still been in Canada), saying,
"Hey guys".
"Matraisa?" I asked in disbelief. "Where did you come from?"
"From partying and getting drunk." She responded. (Not like her in real life to do that). There was a bit of silence in the air after she said that. Then I said,
"The number for the bus is... 104 - 8 something, something...?" Dorian filled me in on the rest of the number, and I started dialing. Only problem was, I couldn't really see the numbers. It was SO blurry. Then I started getting confused. Why was Matraisa there? Why was Dorian's cell phone not actually Dorian's cell phone? Why were the numbers all blurry? Then it came to me. I was dreaming.
I yelled it out, "I'm dreaming?"
Matraisa said, "what?" I repeated what I said.
Then she said, "Steph, you're not dreaming". But I ran away, and started screaming,
"Rain, stop! Become day time!" I shut my eyes really tight, then opened and closed them a couple times, and all of a sudden it was day time, the rain gone. You could tell that it was raining before, because the wet ground shone in the sun. I then ran over to where the bus left us earlier, and started jumping in the air, yelling, "Fly! Fly! Let me FLY!" It wasn't working too well, and it was almost like those bounds they do with the low gravity on the moon, except not as spectacular. :lol: Then on my last bound, I started floating, and I closed my eyes, so as to not ruin the moment. Then this narrator's voice came into my head (Darn narrators: They always find a way into my dreams :p) "Stephanie went on to teach many people in the future how to fly".

Then my dream ended.

So yeah... It was pretty weird. And in the two lucid dreams I had, I became lucid later in the dream. I hope I can get better at this skill in the near future. lol

Thanks for reading through that! ;)

hahaha how strange

a strange one i had was basically 5 days before i moved back to california, i was shaking everyones hands that i knew in georgia and i was on a plane,i didnt shake this one girls though and she said "dont worry we'll see each other soon" which i guess is true since im back :rolleyes:

but yeah your sounds cool, mine is wayy to nerdy :lol:
LOL That's okay. :p I'm quite nerdy myself (personality wise), but my dreams don't reflect that aspect. For instance, last night's dream, I was sliding down a hill w/o snow on a toboggan saucer thing, and my foot got tangled in the string I was holding on to, and I crashed right into the fence, after a 20 or 30 foot steep drop. :p lol Oh well.
well then you are lucky lol honestly and someof this stuff i said was from star wars :p maybe some trekk as well :lol:

but there are some i do have that are still awseome with very little to no Sci-fi/fantasy crud lol
well then you are lucky lol honestly and someof this stuff i said was from star wars :p maybe some trekk as well :lol:

but there are some i do have that are still awseome with very little to no Sci-fi/fantasy crud lol

lol Yeah I guess so. I don't watch Star Wars or Star Trek or anything though. I'm really not into Sci-fi. :/ Most of my dreams reflect my fish and school. :rolleyes: Quite boring, actually. :lol:
i have those dreams quite a lot. like sometimes i dream that my parents have bought me some new fish, then i realise it's a dream when i see Malaysian angel fish swimming around with bettas lol. i seem to be able to control what happens, but quite often i think 'i hope doesn't happen, and then it does. :(

and when i was about 8, i used to always have the same dream that i was building a play area (with slides and stuff). weird. :p
lol That's coo. :) Usually in my dreams, my fish are all in the wrong places, and I've only realized once it was a dream because of it.

I always also have recurring dreams. I usually have the same dream (except maybe a tiny bit different) at least twice.
lol dream re-runs :p

thats only happened to me once tho, mine are usually one time showings :lol:

usually the earlier you go to bed= longer time sleeping= more time for the part when you have dreams = chance for alonger dream and for you to have a lucid dream.
Never have them. Mine are like watching movies until I wake up.

:( had a mostly normal/lucid one and a lucid one last night, for the lucid i only became "active" when i was about to get shot to pieces, it was a mix of world war 1 and special ops :p bullets bouncing off me was fun, but then i got knifed :( then i pulled out the knife and knifed the guy who knifed me, but then he knifed me back and then i stuck it in his head :D then i recued my friends and the drem ended :lol:

the normal/lucid one was wierd and i guess a continueation of another dream,i was in slovakia and we parked and got out of our honda, i left the door open so i went backand closed it. we are walking down a street and someof the houses have new people and some are empty (i had a dream like this before the recession and it had more people living in the town how wierd :p im guessing this time im back) randomly my grandpa pops out of no where and we keep walking, we reach apoint where we have to go down a ramp to see whoever we are going to see, and then my grandpa has an xbox360 controoler (noticed its a dream :p ) and mic on and i take it off and say "your not supposed to have this on!! people will mug you!" and i put it in my pocket, he just stands there so i keep going and go down a ramp (o how i hate that ramp) and then decide to go and get him, but now the ramp is covered in boxes and ifi try togo up by walking i slide down, so i crawl up and then the dream ended because my alarm went off :p
usually the earlier you go to bed= longer time sleeping= more time for the part when you have dreams = chance for alonger dream and for you to have a lucid dream.

You mean REM sleep? :rolleyes: Haha, sorry. :p And you usually enter REM near the morning, and during REM, you have dreams. So basically all of your dreams occur in the morning. Just some factoids. :p

It's amazing how one person's dreams differ from the next person's. :nod:
i aggree mine is more violent/action oriented and yours are more... idk :lol:

had nothing tonight, i guessits cuz i fellasleepat 5am playing my new game :blush: prolly might do it again lol

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