Lucid Dreams?

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I had the weirdest dream ever the other night!!!
It was a lucid dream but i was dreaming that i was this random woman(very pretty) and she was training for aquatic Olympics or something. She did a handstand and her new trainer came to greet her. She instantly fell in love with him but after he left the day her mum had met him, she told her daughter(me) that he was her dad! So she carried on going out with him but never told him. Then one day she got the courage to tell him (by now they had a 3 year old daughter and a 7 year old son) He flipped out and ran off. She carried on teaching her children the aquatic Olympics because they wanted to learn. Then because she was angry (because she thought he had left her for good) She did a handstand in the water and ended up flipping over and nearly going head first into the side of the swimming baths. He jumped in and caught her before she knocked herself out. Then his exact words were "I don't care if i'm your brother, father or cousin! I don't care if i'm related to you in more than 1,000 ways! I love you and i always will!" Then they kissed and i thought to myself "ok this is getting weird" and woke up!
Very weird indeed. I was controlling what she did!

Alessa x.

Wow, there's some deep meaning behind that dream. Everything in a dream means something. :) That's really interesting.

And yes, I have those "fortelling" dreams all the time. :lol: Once I had a dream that I was on some random school trip that the band teacher was hosting, and I wondered in my dream, "Why is the band teacher hosting this trip?" Well, the next year, we had a school trip that the band teacher was hosting. :blink: That's just one example though. :)
i tend to have them when I have a lie-in. After waking up as normal, if I have time for a snooze (on a day off) I will usually have a lucid dream. Fascinating stuff. The fact that your brain is creating a world for you that you are able to perceive in real-time. Sometimes I feel as though I am just walking around the house as normal only to open my eyes and I'm right back in bed (not a very entertaining dream I know!) But they are fun to play around with. Stronger lucid dreams tend not to go my way, such as trying to fly but I end up free-falling and having to wake up :lol:
Yeah, and sometimes when you lucid dream, you have minimal control. It really depends on the person. Some people can control EVERYTHING that happens in their lucid dreams, while others simply know they're dreaming, but can't control any of the events.

It is very fascinating. Our brains are more active at night than during the day. :blink:
I have to write this. A favourite book of mine: Star Rover by Jack London.
If you have a few spare moments you can actually read it online!
I'll check it out. But yeah, I'm hoping to have another lucid dream one day soon, and actually be prepared to know what I want to do when I have it. :)
I'll check it out. But yeah, I'm hoping to have another lucid dream one day soon, and actually be prepared to know what I want to do when I have it. :)

well when i usually have one i run through a bit of a checklist, first being the fact that im dreaming and second to find my degree of control, both can be accomplished by doing something youd never do while awake like throwing an object against a wall or with less control simply reciting a deep secret. next after i fnd the deggree of control if its weak ill usually follow the dream and change small bits and pieces i dont like such as reactions to things said or clothing. if its on a more heavy side id decide if the dream is worth following if not then change it till its something that suits you for the current situation, however that changes from person to person one might want to beat the crud out of someone others might want to practice talking to someone or simply do something awseome.

if i can find my notes or if i remember something ill type it down.
i've had recurring dreams before. when i was really little, i had a dream that i was driving to the airport at night, and then i got onto a space ship. i was really scared, and when we were in orbit, my sister pressed the eject button. i cried loud enough in the dream to wake myself up and started crying when i woke up.

that was when i was 3. when i was 7, it was almost the same. no crying at all though :good:
I'll check it out. But yeah, I'm hoping to have another lucid dream one day soon, and actually be prepared to know what I want to do when I have it. :)

if i can find my notes or if i remember something ill type it down.

Woot! :)

i've had recurring dreams before. when i was really little, i had a dream that i was driving to the airport at night, and then i got onto a space ship. i was really scared, and when we were in orbit, my sister pressed the eject button. i cried loud enough in the dream to wake myself up and started crying when i woke up.

that was when i was 3. when i was 7, it was almost the same. no crying at all though :good:

i also dreamed about (when i was little) that i was in egypt and i was being chased. my cat could not run so i had to carry her. only made it halfway. a few years later, (in reality) i made it (in my dream)
i also dreamed about (when i was little) that i was in egypt and i was being chased. my cat could not run so i had to carry her. only made it halfway. a few years later, (in reality) i made it (in my dream)

well as far as i know ive had about 10 of those happen, the most vivid one is about some sort of argument that took place next to a very large wall with green sloping hills all around on a sunny day,not a tree in sight everyone was in essentially robots that looked like the mechs from Gundam (ive never seen the show before simply pictures) and it was me and a few people (who now i recall seemed to have been friends lol) with an opposing gruop on the other, it turned into a fight after some undecipherable rabbling and i cant remember if we won or not but my notes might say :good:

THAT wasnt a lucid dream though and it reoccured excatly the same way a year later

im trying to find the notes at the moment lol

a de-ja-vu one would before the bohrok bionicles were ever talked about let alone released, me and some people i cant remember went up to a mansion on a very tall hill with a winding street, the inside was pretty ruined and for somereason there was a gaping hole in the house with a broken catwalk exposed. i end up standing on one side with the red bohrok standing on the other, a few months later i see a adposter with the red toa where i was standing and the catwalk was instead a broken stone arch. pretty cool eh?
ok i just got one the other night and woowee was it awseome thank goodness i had my journal :lol: my other ones are similar but im writing this one down here, i made sure to include lots of detail and write words that jogged memory to make sure i got as much as possible. this might take awhile so ill do a word document for it... yes i play too many video games but thats why i have an awseome imagination to make such feats as this, if only this was real..... anything in bold you can google to see what it looks like if not ill draw you all a picture. hope the OP doesnt mind a story??
Ok lol I think I have enough free time to type this... () = real life me talking, [] = dream speak

Things start out with me at my old school, with for some reason all my friends around me (this is when I realized I was dreaming, I decided to keep with the theme for the most part) [what are we doing?] no answer [HEY, anyone?] again no answer. I decide to walk home from my school, and while I was walking on the bridge on the way home a massive earthquake happens, the bridge breaks in front of me, and it reveals a door with my symbol I made on it [this is weird] I go through, there is a tunnel leading east and it never seems to end, the tunnel looks pre-medieval yet has a modern aspect of a lever, I pull the lever and a rail way car of sorts comes up from the ground, it is slightly shielded so I think to myself [I guess I have to duck] strangely enough there is a seat belt and I strap myself in. a bioluminescent button glows on the front and I press it, the cart goes very fast through the tunnel and eventually it stops. I get down on what seems to be a small pit stop. while there was a map of the world with a small light point under the Atlantic with an inscription (I turned it into English) [to continue you must have a different mode of transportation, or you will walk to your end] I think to myself [good time to see if I can fly I guess] I try and after awhile I can. I then fly trough the rest of the tunnel and come up to a very old door, its made of metal, again it has my symbol and I turn the old rusty handle to open it, its a network of metal tunneling with what appears to be many hazards, I bypass the hazards to reach the main room being guarded. this door is very hi tech and it talks [ identification please] it opens a scanner, I place my hand on the scanner [ access denied, beacon activated, security en route ][o S***] I quickly press many buttons [bypass code entered, welcome chief head of research] the door opens and it is a big antechamber, on the top of a flight of stairs on a pedestal is a bottle [computer, please describe what this is] [ why chief head, it is the gene enhancement we have been working on] [ what does it do?] [It allows the user to create objects out of anything, diamond from wood, metal from bone, flesh from fire, and life from ashes] [Give it to me] [Certainly sir, scan commencing..... scan complete, please hold out your arm] I hold out my arm the contents are injected into a needle and administered [ please take a moment to rest, the gene should become prevalent in a few hours as your cells divide] [ well this stinks, can I go back up to the surface? im probably late for class] [indeed, you may go back and continue activity. use the teleporter at the right to send you to the front of the door] I take the teleporter and I teleport to a dark area [great, the bridge blocked my way out] I turn and see the teleporter ceased functioning [ now im stuck here! maybe the gene might work at least a little ] I try to turn the debris into air with minimal success at first, I eventually break through, its still daylight. I fly back to school and everyone is gone to class [umm what time is it I wonder] I look at a clock, its third period, I go and my classmates are there yet no teacher. I get a little annoyed when one of them keeps saying weird verses of music and everyone else is talking. I try my new ability on my desk and make a small robot. [Oooo I wonder....] I make a small spaceship [cool, lets go bigger, if I can manipulate matter that might also give me telekinesis of sorts] I grab the teachers desk and wrap it around me, I make a suit of armor that’s hi tech [see you all later I got plans] I fly through the roof when the kid says 'supersonic overdrive' and I make spaceships out of the clouds and air, I get into my own capital ship and fly to the Whitehouse. I open a channel to the president (cant see his/her face so don’t go all political on me, let alone what else I do, its a dream after all) and demand to surrender the US to my hand, he willingly obliges, I then go to the UN HQ and demand control of the world, and again they oblige. I create hi-speed messenger drones to send out orders to non-UN countries to demand control, about 2minutes later I am in control of the whole world, everything is going fine and (remarkably) I host a party on the bridge of my capital ship over the Atlantic when (still wearing suit) I get a warning [incoming vessels] the music stops [how many?] [Two thousand] [What are they?] [60% compromise of frigates and other lesser vessels and the remaining greater vessels, there is an anomaly as well] [What does it look like? open a screen image] it does, and it is a gigantic claw ship [hail the highest official!] a screen pops up to reveal a rather cool looking alien [Gracck Ba] [#129###?? translate....] [prepare to be conquered!] [I don’t think so; you see I have a rather special ability...] [Silence you ignorant child! do you recall a computer system deep underground? well...
access denied, beacon activated, security en route
] [ O ] [ exactly we, the Durak Zo, colonized this planet centurions ago, and you forced us off, our records were wiped of this world and we swore revenge, thanks to you we have its location, once we conquer your world you will be killed and your people enslaved, you have no hope, we will give you 10 minutes for pities sake ] I turn around and tell my friends [you’d best be heading to your rooms, strap yourselves in, and contact family members to tell them to hide as many people as they can. Computer] [yes admiral] [how many ships now?] [Over 9000 (lol) sir] [How many units do we have?] [Just under 2500] [good, prepare for a jump to SR388 if we have any hope of taking earth back we will need to punch our way through the blockade and build our navy, what is the chance that the Deliverance (the ship im on) will survive?] [Very small sir] [place her in the center and surround all units to her, tell them to concentrate all firepower to forward vessels, and have hyper drive on standby [sir] [what is it?] [the enemy Durak force has activated a EMP emitter, it has made us lose all connection with all vessels ecxept the deliverance] [ anything else? is the hyperdrive ready?] [they are activating a gravity well generator at 90%,our hyperdrive is priming at 92%] [as soon as the hyperdrive is ready jump!] [sir. the shock wave could cause tsunamis to occur on all coasts of the atlantic] [ i know its a risk we have to take, just do it] [very well then, itd be best to strap yourself in] i do so [jumping] [Gorunkor! Graak Schraa! Graak Schraa!] [dumb***, never give your enemies a chance :p ]

i cant remember that much :p so it sort of blurs out here, though you can guess what happens, i pop back now..
i can only guess i arrived, told my friends the situation and i pop back in the hangar....

[i know you all as well as i are probably really ticked off at this moment both at me and at the Du-Zos (guessing nickname for the aliens) but if we can fly these specially built fighters back to earth, cloak past the blockade,take the EMP emitter, then whatever ships in the vincity and our force here can jumpback and finish them off] [so wait, its not even 100 of us KIDS versus over 9000 of what the very least are cruisers and that claw thing?] [yes, i know its very risky but we have to do it,who is in?] everyone raises their hand [good, we fly tomorrow morning and we should be able to slip in at around midnight]

EXPLICIT :blush: as well as some wierd scenes of what i can assume fragments of other dreams.....

we arrive behind the moon and cloak our ships, we then fly past a weak point in their defenses and scan the area [looks like we havet been away for too long, they are building two other emitters but they arent operational, we just have to take one down now before
its too late] [ i see a landing spot in the northeast corner in a grove of trees, it can fit all our ships] [set them on cloak and have a thermal visor equipped but not active, we'll have to start fighting and hold for about 12 hours before reinforcemennts] we infiltrate the base and make our way to the control room of the emitter, however unknowingly we are in a trap as the Admiral knew wed be back. [well now i have you, now what am i going to do with you? such a difficult question] [ how about you let me go so i can tear you linb from limb][shut up, i know what ill do, you there {points at guard} bring me Ragnorok] the guard brings back a hi tech ceremonial claymore thingy [ this obhect has a very strange power, if you kill anyone with it, it requires a heavy blood price to be able to let go, if after 5 seconds after the first kill, it controls the user to kill its allies in the area and only then will it release its hold, while also hurting you in the process, here, catch] he throws it at me and i am forced to catch it, one of the guards commits suicide on the sword,binding me to its contract. (at this point i sorta wished i changed the effects after he said it :/) [NO! Why all this? take me only!] [No, you escaped by my pity the first time, i wont let that repeat, and the fact that we need your blood to recreate the gene, and its fun this way :devil: ] im forced to kill all my friends and the sword drops, since it released coils to attach to my body to control it, it acts as a syringe to fill an empty spot on the sword with my blood. [ YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS] i use telekenisis and throw the sword into the emitter reactor, rendering it inoperable, i signal the fleet to begin attacking and to jump, the guards leave by orders and to defend the station. [fine, i will have to harvest you the old fashioned way the] he presses a button and a suit appears around him, i make my suit, we duke it out for a good few minutes or so, i weaken him and he flys back to the claw ship. i turn around and use the blood from the sword to revive my friends and fly back to the now arrived Deliverence, i switch to my main fighter and lead the fighter force. we come into contact witht the enemy fighters and begin fighting again, after that i receieve a hail to report to my bridge...[ well well, come back to Die you B******** coward?] [ your the one who will perish this day boy,FIRE everything!!][all power to front deflector sheilds! we're about to get hit hard! diverge all units to concentrate on one of the claws only! and only disable it] [sir we are taking very heavy fire, sheild is at 50%] [bring all sheild enhancers to the deliverence,when they are in place focus all power to the Atom beam] [25%!] [10%!] [sir sheilds are going back up,transfer energy now?] [yes, and aim right for the bridge, be sure to hail as well] [wha-whats happening ?!][ we disabled 1/5 of your weapons and we have sheild enhancers on, your about to take a face ful of F*** you, Goodbye]

the ships fires and destroys the claw ship, we mop up, everyone is happy again yadda yadda more explicit and.... i get the sudden urging to shift positins in bed and i wake up :(


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