

New Member
Feb 9, 2007
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does any one know if the lyretail gene in sword tails is dominant or ressecive? i know that the gonopodiums in males grows too long to fuction but females can still become pregnant. I have a male and female pair and the female is pregnant from anothe male than i my male is still quite young so his gonopodium can still function. thus spreding the lyretail gene. but once he get older and his fins grow, can my female, if mated with a normal male, still produce lyretailed fish w/o the normal male being split for the lyretail gene? I know that this is prolly hard to understand, but if you need it put into words that are easier to understand, just pm/e-mail/post it and i will try to rewrite it. sorry and thanks for all the help.
It's a strange one rearly, you have to breed a normal male with a lryetail female, but with in the family.

A females will produce normal and lryetail in the fry she produces, but you can only breed from the normal males, to produce the lryetail as normale males will still be carrying the gene's,

I had been told in the past that it's a dominant gene but it's cant be or there would be more of them...
It's a recessive trait which means you'll be able to produce lyretails only in the second generation if you cross siblings. On the other hand, if your normal male happens to have lyretail ancestry and is carrying the lyretail allele, you may manage lyretails in the first generation :) You'll know once the fry are born what the father's genotype is.
Wow, my question JUST got answered too! THANKS!!
I've been told that high-fin swordtails give you a better chance at getting Lyretail babies.
Does this also apply with Lyretail Guppies? I had a post similar to this one on Guppies but never got a def reply..
Does this also apply with Lyretail Guppies? I had a post similar to this one on Guppies but never got a def reply..
No, Lyretail guppies don't have the overgrown gonopodiums. But I was wondering if it applied to ribbon guppies.
wow, i like that one in pic, so nice, where did u get it? i have some high fin one, by they are not lyretail :sad:
Ribbonfin guppies are slightly different as this trait is determined by a dominant allele. As such, females are always heterozygous and must be crossed with normal finned males. About half the fish are (heterozygous) ribbons. the rest are normal.
wow, i like that one in pic, so nice, where did u get it? i have some high fin one, by they are not lyretail :sad:
I go her last spring, I bought her at a LFS in Forest Lake Minnesota. There were quite a few of them, but I only bought 2. both passed away. But my favorite of the two is the one in the Pic. I just went to the same store yesterday and they finally got some in. I bought three, but they no longer had the mickey mouse pattern ones. Then later in the evening, I went to Wal-Mart and unexpectly, they had 12 of them in their tanks. I took 9 of them. half of them don't look too healthy but I'm make them healthy. :drool:

Ribbonfin guppies are slightly different as this trait is determined by a dominant allele. As such, females are always heterozygous and must be crossed with normal finned males. About half the fish are (heterozygous) ribbons. the rest are normal.
Thanks for these info.
I don't know, but today is my first time ever seeing a male lyretail attempt to breed. His overgrown gonopodium was functioning just fine? he was chasing a couple of my females around. I believe the part where he releases the sperm is not overgrown and he can breed then that way. I'll try to find a pic and upload it to describe this.

Here are some pictures. I apolagize for photo shopping these pics.
These area I circled are the area I believe they release the sperm out of, since while observing mine closly, that was my male's part of his "weapon" he uses to get into contact with the females. I will continue to observe since I have two virgin females I raised from babies. and I will see if they get pregnant from him.
My Hifin Lyretail has a normal sized gonopodium and he breeds just fine with my female. She should actually be giving birth here pretty soon and it will be interesting to see what kind of fry I get... Well I know they will be lyretail but as far as markings and everything go.

No it the front part that used to breed with, and as it's elongated it's impossible for the male to get it into the correct position.

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