Lowee's 45gal Journal

I get that algae, its a sod. I agree think you need more plants, or have low CO2.

I get that algae, its a sod. I agree think you need more plants, or have low CO2.


This mess of an algae is typical in systems where there is not enough CO2 and not enough plant load. I've seen this a lot and it's disappointing, especially when you've put such effort into planting a lovely scape. Yes, about 75% of the substrate is covered, but with the wrong type of plants. Sorry to be the party pooper in what can potentially be a stunning layout (I :drool: for that wood!), but I'm only echoing Sam and Dave's sentiments. You need to add a lot of Egeria or Hygro, at least until the tank's 3-4 months old and you sort any algae issues and dosing issues. Unfortunately, with the addition of these plants, you now risk starving the hairgrass of light. Sorry. :sad:

Hope this issue resolves.

thanks for the advice, i went out today and bought another 3 bunches of egeria, taking the total to 4 bunches (about 6-7 stems in a bunch). According to my drop checker, i have CO2 at 30ppm, so i dont think that is a problem! I will keep you posted on the progress!
What 4dKH water are you using in the drop checker? You know there was a problem with the AE stuff first time around?

Well its day 16 and ive got a few pictures. I had a bit of shuffle around with the egeria densa and have just planted it at the front for now. I also recieved my HM today, but have no where to plant it as i have some hygro difformis coming on tuesday, so it will stay in its pot for now. I also added 6 tiger shrimp and have included a picture of the tank and a shrimp.


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Looks good :) are you going to have any stems around the wood? Wood always looks good IMO when its emerging out of a mass of stems. A rotala or something.

Well the tank has been running for about 4 weeks now, but i have been without CO2 for about a week now! (getting it back tomorrow) Everything is growing quite well, algae growth has slowed down, but still there and is near impossible to get rid of! The growth of the egeria and rotala has been huge, considering i only have about 1.5WPG at the moment.

Still havnt planted the HM, theres no room! Hopefully i can plant it soon!

I also got a pic of my tiger shrimp, looks pregnant!


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Good progress and great pics.What is your final layout btw/

I plan on removing the egeria and wisteria. The HM will take the place of the egeria and i will let the hairgrass grow into the space left by the wisteria. And quite obviously, the hairgrass should form a nice carpet over the mound!
Over a month in and not a huge amount has changed. The egeria densa and rotundifolia is growing wildly, hairgrass is also growing. The ludwigia really isnt growing at all, no idea why. The main problem is still the algae! Staghorn is growing, but only on the wisteria and there is large amounts of fuzz algae growing in most places. Can anyone pleasssse help me with this?

Included is a picture of the tank and one of my tiger shrimp.



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Nice, it's getting much better :drool: .Can't really help you on the algae to much .Whats your co2 level, what nutrients are you dosing and do you do regular water changes?If it's all fine maybe you might want to look into seachem excel to kill it.

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