Low Tech Window To The World

He died :( Really upset actually, he was so pretty.

Anyone got any ideas on stocking so i can do some research and take my mind off things?

Also, just seen this link on someone elses post, picture 2 is what i kind of envisage my tank to be like, not exactly, but kind of :)

So how many DNRs have you got left now? 2 or 1? :sad:

Have you done a water change to account for possible slight elevated ammonia readings?

I think a large shoal of small fish would look wonderful flitting through lots of narrow wood branches, so that instead of looking at the individual fish you're seeing the shoal? In fact, I'd be inclined to make it just a shoal and nothing else?
3 out of four, i found two in the filter, one of which died. One of the females was always in the tank, and another appeared out of nowhere, im assuming she got sucked into the filter aswell but managed to fit through the pipe.

Yes i was thinking a shoal or maybe two, and seeing a big shoal of fish flitting through branches only half seen would really fit in with the brumby theme dont you think?

And ive not done a wwater change, ive added about 25l of water though, because i left the water level quite low last night to try and minimise jump risks, so i added the water just after i removed the dnr. Also, he was only dead for about 10-20 mins :/ will test again in six hours though just incase.
Type of wood i have in mind, can just imagine those branches covered in moss and anubias in my tank, with fish swimming through the branches. This seems like a good base piece to me, dont know what you think?
No, as it is in that picture.

I know its not massively high or anything, but it has lots of little sticky bits, and flat bits for anubias if i do get them :)
Yeah, it's be good, to be a really thick forest type effect you'd need quite a lot of bits like that lol :lol: got any pictures of the pieces you've already bought?
Oh i know, but at £9.50 inc p+p im not complaining when my lfs sells it for £21.99 a kilo!!

Ya ill get some pics up in a min, decided to do another gravel vac, although it didnt really do much :(

Gonna apologise in advance for bad quality! Theyre taken on a blackberry bc i cant find my camera lead!
Yeah I know the feeling about that - Pets @ Home don't do them at all, and QSS charge extortionate amounts for tiny pieces of wood! (although despite that, I'm probably still going to have a look at what they've got lol)
Went to my lfs with my sister today, aaaaaaand came back with 4 more rainbows yay :D hopefully the existing ones will now stop hiding!! The new ones seem v. healthy and active (in the bag anyway).

Currently floating so will take pics and upload ASAP, sorry i didnt do them when i said i would, got into a bit of a bustup with the OH last night that lasted way past bedtime!

Oh and nearly got myself into trouble at my lfs. A woman came in asking for a bag of water because her tank is really tiny (21L) and thats all she needs, a bag. So i thought, oh no here we go, she'll have RTBS or bala's or something. Oh no, it was saltwater, and she couldnt understand why her blue legged hermits had killed three others. Yes, she had FOUR hermits in that tank. I thought omg this woman is an idiot! Then she amazed me even more by going on to say she only had 2 percula clowns and a firefish in the tank aswell so it wasnt overstocked. The lfs man just went, and im being serious.
'Are you joking?' With an absolute gem of a face on. Glad to see though that the lfs is finally employing knowledgable people!

Pictures soon i promise!
I cringe at the very thought. I've got a 36g Planted Marine in the works, and I've been more preoccupied with stocking than anything else. It's definitely not like Planted, but I do finally have access to amazing stock and equipment. Planted tanks not popular in Miami, SW very popular.

Back to your tank, sorry for being OT. I'm actually glad you're posting pictures because I'm kind of having a hard time trying to picture exactly what you want. Seeing picture #2 in that linked helped a bit, but pictures of your actual system will help more.

I made it off topic its no problem! haha, i promise ill upload some soon as, its getting them from my phone to email, to computer, to photobucket to here, long process and having a slow computer doesnt help!
Right, picture time.

Uncleaned, full of stuff, and looking pretty boring tbh.

How I see the tank in the morning, all shimmery and nice :) This is what I wanted all along, to wake up and look through the tank with the sun shining in and the water reflections everywhere :) But this one it isnt all filled up like it is now, i wanted to keep the water level low, just incase the DNR's decided to jump for it!

The one piece of wood I have as of today. I will incorporate it into the grand scheme of things but I wont be buying wood the same as this because it was so expensive!

Will try and get clearer pics when its all sunny and nice :)
Sadface time!

Woke up this morning, looked at the tank, and just happened to glance at the thermometer. Good job I did, because it was at 18C. I'd forgotten to plug the heater back in! Oh my god I felt so bad! poor little ice fish :(

Heaters back on now though, will go up to check everything in a minute.

Also, I have a weird white slime covering the piece of wood, anyone got any ideas as to what it is? I've tried getting pictures, its no good, you cant see it.

It looks like a spiders web mixed in with goo. It scrapes off easily enough, but causes a massive mess. Any ideas?
Lol think this is the 4th post this week on this stuff, it's just a type of bacteria realeased from the wood, it's quite common, sick it from the wood with a syphon, hoover up any other bits and after a couple of times it should go away. My 100litre has like 10 bits of wood in and I got it a few times, nothing to worry about.

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