Low Tech Window To The World


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2011
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Hey everyone.

As some of you may have seen, I recently convinced my boyfriend to buy me a 36X18X15 35 gallon tank for £30 from a tankmakers, obviously someone ordered it to be made there and decided they didnt want it, so theyve put it for sale for v. cheap!

So I brought it home, and then found out the only place it could fit was on my windowsill.
Problem? It was at first, then I've just been speaking with micko, who said his plants are growing like wildfire under natural light, so I though, why not?

So at the moment, it will just be tank with no lid or lights, with external heater and filter, planted quite heavily with bogwood (sumatran roots i think) and possibly an emergent plant as seen in BigTom's thread (with caution as apparently if the stem snaps it can cause a fair amount of damage.

This tank will be low tech, no additives other than fish waste, which is why i will be building everything up slowly, and no lights other than sunlight.

I will be on the lookout for algae, and i may purchase a small group of oto's, should i not be able to control it. (I love oto's!)

Filtration will be an eheim 2213, with a hydor inline heater.

I've called it window to the world because it completely covers my windowsill from where i lie in bed, so all i can see is through the fishtank. I mmay also buy a blind to slightly shade the tank to avoid overheating.

I'm going for a jungle look, with moss everywhere, and the roots creating mazes so that the fish disappear for a while. I imagine it in my head as like the gumtree forests in the Silver Brumby books, the books i grew up on, and where my love for horses comes from.

ATM it will be black sand and possibly large pea gravel to break things up, but again, not sure on this, might change to dark beige sand and pea gravel.

Just a few questions.
1) Are dwarf neon rainbowfish jumpy fish?
2) Are there any obviosu problems at the moment in your eyes?
3) Do you think this will work!?

Will post pics in a few hours, as im going to go and change everything over now :)
I'm going for a jungle look, with moss everywhere, and the roots creating mazes so that the fish disappear for a while. I imagine it in my head as like the gumtree forests in the Silver Brumby books, the books i grew up on, and where my love for horses comes from.
Oh my god I LOVE those books! Tell me, did you ever read Silver Brumby Whirlwind? I have never been able to find it, despite always looking in charity shops, amazon, wherever I can! :sad:

As for using it as inspiration, I think that's a fab idea! :hyper: really looking forward to seeing this!
No not whirlwind :( i like the first one best, then the silver brumbys daughter :) did you ever watch the cartoon series on cbbc? Arrow was perfectly portrayed!!

Thankyou for the kind comments :)

I'm currently getting all the crud out of it, bits of dust and stuff that need to be siphoned out because im a wimp and cant pick it up :p
I did yes, I agree, they got him spot on! I can't wait to start reading them with Hannah, those and The Little Wooden Horse. I have a boxset of the first four, but never managed to find the 5th. My best friend read it, but I still haven't!

Lol at being a wimp :lol:
Took me a while to realise who you meant by hannah then!!

Lol I'm an absolute weakling, cant even lift an ironing board without groaning, and i work in a bar lifting cases of beer! haha.

Awww i want to read the books again now! I read my old mums books, and she'd read them so much the corners of the pages had to be written over because the ink had been rubbed away!
Looking forward to this, providing you have good flow you should be ok, I have a 1 litre on my windowsill in direct sunlight all day, about 15 hours lol and I don't get algae but it's well filtered, has a home made external and a couple of Cherry Shrimp. I don't think it'll overheat due to size but the temp chnges everyday may cause a problem for the fish so maybe a blind is a good idea.
Yes looking into flow problems, probably either gonna make my own spray bar like caz did, or buy a powerhead, but im trying to avoid having equipment in the tank so thats sort of a last resort. The first few months im expecting heavy algae because of the low plant mass. If i cant get a blind and the algae is super bad ill just cover the back and drape some material around my window to block out most of the light, but again, id rather not do this because it kind of defeats the whole object of the setup being a window!!

Just been and bought some sumatran roots, definately need more! What i thought was a largeish piece might aswell be a twig! Need a lot more height in the next piece.

Bought poly tiles and more sand aswell, as the windowsill isnt actually as flat as i thought it would be, i think ive sorted it now anyway. Dont know if i can be bothered rewashing the sand thats been in a display tank but i suppose i have to really!

Pics tomorrow probably.
Plant mass usually helps rid the algae not create it unless you get some melt but as long as you do regular water changes from the word go it should be fine.
Yeah i meant because it wont be as heavily planted as it will be in a few months (hopefully!), ill be more siusceptible to algae! but i'll be doing weekly/biweekly 25% changes for at least the first month, which is when i should have plant mass up enough, but i have a lot of things to pay for in the next few weeks! including a 24hr classic mini hire for my boyfriend as its our 1yr and he misses his old mini :)
Awww, well I'm sure you'll be fine, just do like 10% every other day for first few weeks just in case then :)

Literally lost three rainbows in three hours.

Woke up with my bf this morning at six and went back to sleep at half seven when he went to work, i watched the tank for most of that time because it looked beautiful with the sunlight coming through and making it all sparkley.

Just got up now, noticed i was missing three rainbows. Nowhere in the tank, around the tank, in the filter pipes, nowhere. the only place they could be is the filter which im going to check in a minute after a quick netting of stuff off the sand and a fill up of water.

Ammonia - <0.25
Nitrite - 0

Ah no. Sorry to hear that. Was hoping to hear good things from your journal.

Great title.
Found both males in the filter.
One's really messed up, he was stuck in the intake hole thing, and i had to pull him out by his tail. Hes still swimming round etc but very raggeddy. I dont know whether to put him back in the tank or put him out of his misery now :'(

The other one seems to be fine, just a bit shaken up, found a few shrimp aswell.

Realised what i did wrong, put the intake tube the wrong way round without a guard on it.

Theyve been fine with this filter for about 3 months :(

Oh and one just appeared from nowhere!

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