I'll get betters later
Ignore the pots in the front, they're snail traps.
And blurry fish photos! Again, I'll strive for clear ones later.
This is Creme, a White Dalmatian Lyretail Female.
And her sis, Cookies, a Black Dalmatian Lyretail Female.
This is Ebony, a black female that's not doing so well. She's having trouble pushing out a fry, but IME not much can be done except wait it out.
This is Ember, a Gold Panda Lyretail Female. Excuse her weird pose, she's perfectly healthy
This is Susan, a gold dust female. She wouldn't hold still for a good pic, so I'll get a brighter one later.
And this gorgeous hunk is Henry.
He has an aversion to cameras, and always runs away when he sees one. I'll try to grab a darker one later, but he is a Cremesicle Sailfin with blue flecking on his fins.
Aaaaaand the two nerites of the tank...They need names.
There's a black one and a zebra.