Lovely Little Platy Tank!

The mollies are acting better, and a few spots are gone. Driftwood was removed, and new lights were added. Sorry about the no pics, I need to do a WC. :D

And wow! Look! 2 pages! :O Cool beans...
A bit of flicking on one of the females, and a tad of stress... but nothing too serious. I'll keep an eye on them, and try my hardest to not fret. :p
BTW, this tank will be heavily planted!
Lyra we want photos, Please.
XD I'll work on it! Sorry about the lack of piccys.
I'll get betters later :X

Ignore the pots in the front, they're snail traps.

And blurry fish photos! Again, I'll strive for clear ones later.
This is Creme, a White Dalmatian Lyretail Female.

And her sis, Cookies, a Black Dalmatian Lyretail Female.

This is Ebony, a black female that's not doing so well. She's having trouble pushing out a fry, but IME not much can be done except wait it out.

This is Ember, a Gold Panda Lyretail Female. Excuse her weird pose, she's perfectly healthy :D 

This is Susan, a gold dust female. She wouldn't hold still for a good pic, so I'll get a brighter one later.

And this gorgeous hunk is Henry. :D He has an aversion to cameras, and always runs away when he sees one. I'll try to grab a darker one later, but he is a Cremesicle Sailfin with blue flecking on his fins.


Aaaaaand the two nerites of the tank...They need names. :D There's a black one and a zebra.
Nice tank great job.
Noooo, those pics are horrid. Gahhh...
  I'll get focused ones, stat!
Eeerrrgh. The mom brought home 3 red swordtails and another molly. I'm watching the tank like a hawk.
I have no time!

(^^^^ My excuse for the lack of pictures)
Anywho, alot of plants came with the new fish..we've got some crypt melt going on, and all the Corkscrew Vallisneria just died.
  Everything else is going swimmingly.
The new fish (Lemon, a cremesicle female, and the swordtail trio) are doing well, except for one female, I'm calling her Biggs for the time. She got mishandled in her netting, so one of her fins are slightly torn. She was stressing for a while, but now she follows the male and other female out into the front to beg for food. :p
WC is on Sunday, I'll hopefully get a pic in after I do some trimming.
(I seriously can't even look at this tank without a wave of stress.
  I need a break..)
Vals can be a bit tricky.  If you plant them too deeply, they do rot.  But, they also melt (and very quickly) at times when added to new tanks.  So, I wouldn't remove them right away, if you haven't... they might rebound and put out some new shoots.  Look for some green just above the crown.  If it doesn't happen in the next 4-7 days though, they are probably dead.
There is definitely some green on the Vals, I'll leave them. :)
Glad to hear it.
Callamanus...Cammallanus...Camlunuis...Mucallmusmn...worms! :p I'm going to be optimistic about this, other than the fact that I am screwed! :lol:
I think Ebony brought them in :(

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