These are livebearers, so you will end up with the same fry issue as mollies... only worse! Endlers and guppies rarely eat their own fry. Mollies will eat their own fry.
The joys of livebearers.
It might not be a bad idea to mix in a platy or 3... males would be best. These could act as 'natural cullers'. (Sad I know, but with endlers and guppies you'll be over run before you know it.)
I'll consider it, I was planning to sell some online and to my LFSs, and maybe net some fry into the future angelfish tank..or sorority...I'm vicious! Would it be best to understock? What numbers should I consider?
I know it sounds crazy, but I'm considering getting the 20 fry for 25 dollars. Would this work?
And if you are still thinking about shrimp... some shrimp will also help to keep your numbers of fry down a bit. You don't want the biggest shrimp (like Amano Shrimp) with endlers, because the endlers are so small themselves. But, others might help out, even cherry shrimp might help, as the endler fry is so very small at first.
A local breeder has some nice shrimp, so I'll get from him.