Lost Them All.

Thanks for the info guys. I hope he did not defrag it.
Thanks for the info guys. I hope he did not defrag it.
Unless he's held a very large, strong magnet against the drive it doesn't matter how they've been deleted, they'll still be recoverable. It's very rare for an average user to go to the lengths to destroy data so much that it is practically unrecoverable, unless they have something to hide. Some of the software that the Police use to recover files from computers is commercially available.
Thanks for the info guys. I hope he did not defrag it.
Unless he's held a very large, strong magnet against the drive it doesn't matter how they've been deleted, they'll still be recoverable. It's very rare for an average user to go to the lengths to destroy data so much that it is practically unrecoverable, unless they have something to hide. Some of the software that the Police use to recover files from computers is commercially available.

You can use proper file deletion software , i've done it on PC's i've worked on ,it takes about 6+hours for a 40gb hdd so as you imagine most people cba . As for the magnet you're wrong on that one , i've had spare hdd;'s i dont need and tried it with some magnet's my dad borrowed from his place of work and it still worked.
As for Destroying data if it's a laptop the hdd is made up of pretty much glass texture plates that smash like glass (tested this also and its mighty fun!) as for normal HDD's the plates are pretty solid , tried hammer/pliers etc and you can get them back, safest way is to take the rest of the components from the drive . If you were scrapping it seperate the discs and put them in totally different places as the hdd doesnt always write in order. God forbid when Solid state comes mainstream , i've seen training vids of them being put in acid/being shot at/ being chucked against a wall/ being set on fire and being frozen and you can still get data off them intact with the correct tools mental!

Now back to fishy stuff....

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