Lost Intrest In My Fish

I had neon tetra mainly due to my son as he thought they were cute.
Did well with the first batch till I got some more ntd, lost the whole tank.
Problem with some tetra they only shoal when stressed, so most of the time they just sit around in one spot.
Not saying I want them to shoal when stressed lol
I set up SW tank a few months ago and I started to neglect my FW fish because they were just so boring compared to SW. The FW fish just floated around. The SW fish swam through the caves, watched you when you walked by, etc. So FW tank maintenance became a chore... I stopped doing water changes, nitrates went way way up. I lost a few fish, and I think that's what made me get back into it. I recently bought a few more fish for my FW and some plants and everything is good now.

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