Lost Cory


Fish Fanatic
Sep 14, 2011
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I had 5 panda corys this morning, this evening 1 is missing. I've spent 15 minutes looking for it but nowhere to be seen. Are they particularly good hiders?! Bit worried it may have jumped out of one of the lid gaps, theyr not jumpers tho are they? Anyone ever lost a fish before?
well this is a good one, i lost a neon 2 weeks ago looked and counted them every single day since and could always only see seven today one of my mollys went missing couldnt find it all day so decided to drain 50% water and clean the tank take everything out and sort all the stones out etc

ten minutes later returned to the tank after cleaning the stones to find 8 neons and my molly back again so the 2 week long lost neon returned randomly and the molly too, have you tried taking all your plants out etc thats how i found my 2 missings little fellas, just an idea, worked for me so thought it might help you too
Lol hopefully I've got a houdini too. No hadn't thought about anything that drastic yet. I think if he's not there in the morning il get a bit more involved.
well i hope that is teh answer but if he isnt around tomorrow im sure that has a good chance of you finding him fingers crossed
Back already! I have literally no idea where he was hiding!
Yay! Glad he's back.
And to answer one of your first questions, corydora are known for shooting up to the surface of the water to take a big gulp of air. But they generally don't jump OUT of the tank. But still a good argument for making sure the top is secure.
Yea I've seen them shooting up and gulping air but they shoot back down almost as quick, releasing it on their way! The gaps are the relatively small ones for the filter tubes etc. more on the back than the top. The corys are great though, most intriguing and fun fish I've owned thus far! Let's face it, it took me an hour to locate one!
They're easily my favorites. I started out with just a few, and now I have about 50!

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