losing fish now...grrrr

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2 things
I always use bottled water. I know this is expensive, but if you can get one with the lowest amount of compounds (nitrate, chloride, calcium etc) you can be safely assured that your adding the best you can to you tank.
Also are you sure you LPS is selling you completely healthy fish? Ask about their quarantine procedures for new fish. Asked mine and they do a week quarantine before selling on their fish.

Hope these help. The bottled water really works wonders and the only chemical you need is the dechlorinator.
Is nitrAtes the problem? Could there have been a build up of nitrates that have gone unnoticed? I would advise you to get a test kit for nitrates.

i'll definately look into the goldfish thing and if i do end up losing my fish i have right now, i might just get a bundle of guppies or a bundle of tetras or something... i'm not sure, goldfish was just a suggestion that i wanted some opinions on..
thanks for those information bits though, greatly useful

P.T. i'm definatly going to look into gettin a nitrAtes water kit... I have no idea if thats the problem, but I am going to get that tested, thanks!
angel_eyes0857 said:
i was doing my water changes every day for a week and a half to get rid of the 1.6 nitrite. that worked and didnt lose any fish in the process.
i do my water changes now once a week
i have an air stone and air tubing.
you having problems too??
Eeeps - once a day! - well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! :nod:

Only prob I got is with one small pleco - I got 2 babies (2") a couple of weeks ago. One is doing well but the other was starting to really mope around. I realized it might be because I had just added 2 tablespoons of salt the day before so I drained out half the water and put in new and it's looking better today. I do not think one is beating up on the other as there seems no damage - just stunted growth. The lights just shut off (timer) so I dropped in an algae tab (broken in 3 pieces) (gotta remember to do that)(they do seem to be up and cleaning algae off the glass all day)(maybe they never sleep)(wish I could master that!)

Hope things settle down in your tank! (nice pic by the way!) :D
Kristi (edit: course then there's the string algae prob.... :fun: )
algae eateres give me the creeps. i put one in my tank too early, i think there wasnt enough build up for him and he died... now i just got a few snails, they seem to do a lot better job then the algae eater ... and they dont creep me out lol

Eeeps - once a day! - well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

what do you mean?? i had to clean it once a day to get rid of the nitrite, that worked. now i see no problem with cleaning once a week...
If you're only going to be using bottled water and not tap water you don't need to buy dechlorinator. Bottled water doesn't have chlorine/chloramines. It's removed by the ro filter and the carbon filter. When you start out a new tank and add plecos there ain't enough food for him and he will probably starve to death. U have to add algae wafers if there isn't enough food. I got 2 4" plecos in a 55g and I have to drop them food 4 times a week to keep them fat. I'd rather have my fish too fat then too skinny.
yeah i hear that
well its been 1 day and 1/2 and i havent lost any fish and they are all swimming around happily. i have a feeling i might have just overcrowded it or added fish too quick...
thakns for your info though
angel_eyes0857 said:
Eeeps - once a day! - well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! 

what do you mean?? i had to clean it once a day to get rid of the nitrite, that worked. now i see no problem with cleaning once a week...
Exactly! I was agreeing! :D When you had nitrites you cleaned it once a day which was what was needed - I would have done the same - but probably bitched a lot in the process!!!! heehee :S
Kristi (who got a couple of new spotted pictus B) )
i also dont agree with the goldfish thing, 1 they grow too big, 2. they look 100x better in a pond =] anyways Krap this is getting me worried, i need an ammonium, nitrite, nitrate kit its that important eh

btw kristi nice pic =D + angeleyes cute baby blue, if i see correctly ^^
if you see correctly? huh?

but thanks

and i reccomend a test kit if you are starting up a tank! :)

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