Lord Of The Rings

One thing I really like about the movies is the musical score. Seriously, the music really added to the movie for me. I've listened the music so many times, that probably about 90% of the time (you have to give me room for error :p ) you could show me a song from any of the 3 movies, and I can tell you which movie its from and what is happening in the scene the music is playing in. I generally listen to one of the sound tracks at least once a day. Anyone else who likes the musical score?

I agree the music really adds to the movies. Also the acting is pretty strong, apart from Boromir.
You mean the actor, Sean Bean, who portrayed Boromir, yes? If so, I don't know if I completely agree with you, but he did lack something most of the other actors had. At parts I thought Orlando Bloom was cheesey.
You mean the actor, Sean Bean, who portrayed Boromir, yes? If so, I don't know if I completely agree with you, but he did lack something most of the other actors had. At parts I thought Orlando Bloom was cheesey.

Yes, I agree. Orlando Bloom only seemed cheesy in the second one, in the first and third I have to admire his acting ability even if he is a bit, you know :).
You mean the actor, Sean Bean, who portrayed Boromir, yes? If so, I don't know if I completely agree with you, but he did lack something most of the other actors had. At parts I thought Orlando Bloom was cheesey.

Yes, I agree. Orlando Bloom only seemed cheesy in the second one, in the first and third I have to admire his acting ability even if he is a bit, you know :).
lol, Well put. ;)

Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed that Tom Bombadil and his wife were not in the movie?
You mean the actor, Sean Bean, who portrayed Boromir, yes? If so, I don't know if I completely agree with you, but he did lack something most of the other actors had. At parts I thought Orlando Bloom was cheesey.

Yes, I agree. Orlando Bloom only seemed cheesy in the second one, in the first and third I have to admire his acting ability even if he is a bit, you know :).
lol, Well put. ;)

Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed that Tom Bombadil and his wife were not in the movie?

It would have been nice to see Tom and Goldberry (and Glorfindel, the grey company and Imrahil) but it would have taken too much time and explaining for all those who havent read the books! This is why they never showed them. The Hobbit film will be split into two.
I had the hobbit read to me from before I can remember and read it myself pretty much as soon as I could read. Read Lord of the Rings at about 10 and read both regularly since then. Reckon they did a pretty good job of the LOTR movie and am looking forward to the hobbit.
You mean the actor, Sean Bean, who portrayed Boromir, yes? If so, I don't know if I completely agree with you, but he did lack something most of the other actors had. At parts I thought Orlando Bloom was cheesey.

Yes, I agree. Orlando Bloom only seemed cheesy in the second one, in the first and third I have to admire his acting ability even if he is a bit, you know :).
lol, Well put. ;)

Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed that Tom Bombadil and his wife were not in the movie?

Indeed, I was. I loved Tom Bombadil he was awesome.
Cant wait for

LoRd Of Teh Rings : Sup3r C00l Trollz Fr0m M0rD0r St1k3 B@cK

I Realy do hope they have another LOTR movie witch involes us Humans killing orcs :(

Minis Tirith FTW!
There will not be another Lord of the Rings movie since the Lord of the Rings is a trilogy, and all three books have been turned into movies. The most they can possibly do is The Hobbit (which is what they are doing), The Children of Hurin (which I doubt they'll do), and possibly The Silmarillion (but I see this as unlikely too). Either way, you're not going to see too much more orc and uruk-hai killing. I would be very angered if they wrote a fourth LotR since it would completely destroy all JRR Tolkien was writing.

Oh, and btw, it's Minas Tirith. :)
There will not be another Lord of the Rings movie since the Lord of the Rings is a trilogy, and all three books have been turned into movies. The most they can possibly do is The Hobbit (which is what they are doing), The Children of Hurin (which I doubt they'll do), and possibly The Silmarillion (but I see this as unlikely too). Either way, you're not going to see too much more orc and uruk-hai killing. I would be very angered if they wrote a fourth LotR since it would completely destroy all JRR Tolkien was writing.

Oh, and btw, it's Minas Tirith. :)

But there is plenty of Goblin fighting when Bilbo and Co get captured by the great goblin! :) and that starts a whole war on its own. Obviously the Dwarf Vs Goblin war will not be shown.
That is true, however, I think I can agree with Knox about wishing to see more orcs (for me uruk-hai) being killed. I just liked that they were more advanced then the goblins and orcs.

That is true, however, I think I can agree with Knox about wishing to see more orcs (for me uruk-hai) being killed. I just liked that they were more advanced then the goblins and orcs.
The Children of Hurin (which I doubt they'll do), and possibly The Silmarillion (but I see this as unlikely too).

It's highly unlikely that these will be made into films.
Hence why I said it would be unlikely. The Children of Hurin was just okay imo, and the only way I can only see The Silmarillion being done effectively is almost present it as a historical film.
Okay, I don't know how else to explain this. The Hobbit is a book, it was the original Hobbit story JRR Tolkien wrote. After he wrote The Hobbit, he was asked to write a sequel, which turned into The Lord of the Rings. Now The Hobbit is being turned into a movie. The Hobbit is about Bilbo Baggins adventures and how he came to get the one ring, and that is what the movie is about. There aren't orcs or uruk-hai in this book. Mainly goblins and trolls.

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