Loosing Interest In My 30 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2011
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i currently have a 30 gallon tank with an aquaclear 70 on it (fully cycled tank) with some live plants. and has an adjustable heater

anyways ive had it for probably close to a year and have recently lost interest.

the only fish i have in it now is about 6-8 phanton tetra and an albino bristlenose pleco

im thinking maybe ill gain interest if i do something different like a species only tank (and donate old fish back to the store)

or maybe i should just sell it (any idea how much i could sell it for? wiht a matching stand

(tank is 30" w 19"h 12" d
any ideas about other types of tanks i could do?

current picture of the tank:

also im thinking if i switch to another type of tank id like to switch to gravel (sand has been a pita)
Well if your really bored...ill buy it off you! :hey:

Ever been interested in oddballs?
I find simple fish care boring too. What I do is branch out and set up single species breeding tanks. Each time I try a new species I learn about a new fish and its care. It also can present a challenge learning how to breed your fish with success and raise the fry. That leads to all kinds of other subjects like maintaining live food cultures.
I find simple fish care boring too. What I do is branch out and set up single species breeding tanks. Each time I try a new species I learn about a new fish and its care. It also can present a challenge learning how to breed your fish with success and raise the fry. That leads to all kinds of other subjects like maintaining live food cultures.

thats what i was thinking ive always really liked cichlids but never had a tank of them before
Have you ever considered adding shrimp? Red Cherry Shrimp would add some more colour and quirky liveliness. Your plants look awesome by the way. Why not add some more plants and make your tank look less ordered? :)
Some cichlids could work in there. Depends on types though.
You might look into shell dweller cichlids. They are dwarf sized and super cute. Rather interesting that they live in shells as well.
Have you ever considered adding shrimp? Red Cherry Shrimp would add some more colour and quirky liveliness. Your plants look awesome by the way. Why not add some more plants and make your tank look less ordered? :)

thanks, they have grown quite a bit.
and yeah im thinking more live plants, not sure which ones yet though
What about annual killi fish, you can try a new type every 6 months or so

im guesing by that you mean they have a lifespan of around 6 months?
that would be interesting, how many would i keep at once in a tank that size?
thanks for the suggestions so far

any other ideas would be great
A small predatory fish?
Like a dwarf pike cichlid or a dwarf snake head.
Avocado puffer? They are certainly a unique type of puffer, readily available and not hard to care for.

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